Onto a more interesting topic, the new Beta has been released, 0.33. You can get it here: aos033install.msi "New update is REQUIRED and should fix the broken names You may install over an old install The changelog lists all the updates" The game could use some more servers as well. If anyone is willing they could easily open up a fresh game.
Updated again. Anyways, played this last night. Twas fun when both teams know what's going on and can coordinate. I've actually seen some pretty cool strategies implemented throughout play. -Using colored blocks as decoys -Digging right underneath the intel and shooting the blocks until the intel falls down -Covering your tracks in tunnels so people can't find you EDIT:
That's pretty funny dude. Lol. WELL, The shiny new website is up. It has a whole new interface and is now accessible. Ace of Spades
Lol dude I don't understand why people got so mad at me and others when the game is in beta, but I feel you brah. Plus it actually taught the developer to add in admin bans and **** so griefer scum can actually be banned and not just switch teams and grief the **** out of ****.
-Putting blue block then skin color block then blue block vertically almost looks like a blue player putting them around will distract green team.(probably the decoy thing you said) -Making a fake intel blue square then white triangle perfectly looks like a real intel on map so put in on a huge castle up high they will think its real or make heaps so they have no idea where to look or make a fake one on real one to confuse them even more. -Dig Intel half way down map then cover it up with normal colored blocks will make it almost impossible for the enemy to find if there not tunneling. -Don't be afraid to spend few minutes walking/digging around to get behind the enemy's either flank them in battle or pick of people building 1 by 1 while hiding. The only reason to play this over minecraft atm is it's free to play Because atm there is no way to win.
NEW VERSION RELEASED! 0.42 is available to download here: aos042install.msi Looking forward to seeing you online. My AoS GT is clone12TM. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Beta 0.47 now released! aos047install.msi [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yet another update! 0.50 is available to download here: aos050install.msi