
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Bonesfourtyfive, May 5, 2011.

  1. Bonesfourtyfive

    Bonesfourtyfive Forerunner

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    Mario 1-1/Mario 1-2 Created by bonesfourtyfive

    The map is played with an infection gametype. Fireflowers are represented by grenade launchers with 3 grenades. Stars are represented by custom powerups making you invulnerable for 10 seconds. Landmines represent Piranha plants so you can choose to take them out using a fireflower or take the risk and jump over them. One way shields divide the map into quadrants so Mario can't turn back.

    Mario 1-1

    The Initial Loadout Screen


    A long view down the map


    Mario is seen gunning for a star


    Mario using a fireflower, he really needs to watch out for the bounceback.


    Mario with a custom powerup active. HE will turn white while invulnerable


    Hidden danger over every jump


    Mario 1-2

    Initial Loadout Screen


    View from the beginning tunnel


    View from the end of the map


    The 'star' and 'koopas'


    Mario has to avoid landmines (prianha plants) and water traps


    Thanks to SciTrekker, SneakyZek, and Trey of Gilead for helping me test the map. I'd also like to thank SciTrekker for introducing me to forgehub and helping me deliver my first forgehub map. Any criticism would be great and if this map and gametype is enjoyed, I will continue to make super mario levels.​
    #1 Bonesfourtyfive, May 5, 2011
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  2. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    good job on the map, it is creative and looks very fun to play. 2 other things: at the end, what does mario do? kill himself? 2, welcome to forgehub! you will like it here. =)
  3. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    I'm not sure why you're having an issue--it sounds like it should work fine. It's one human (mario) vs. zombies (everybody else), right? You set the zombie count to 16 (it will always spawn 1 human regardless of player count) and set infected on suicide to yes.. then whenever, however the human dies the round will end as it counts for a zombie victory.

    I'd hate to see an idea spoiled by gametype troubles..
  4. Bonesfourtyfive

    Bonesfourtyfive Forerunner

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    @D3ath Eye Well currently at the end mario doesnt do anything, but i'm working on some new gametypes where mario would get to the end to get a flag at the flag stand and then just plant it within the castle.

    @petetheduck I originally had it set up as 1 zombie (mario) and the rest human (koopas). I didnt know it would make 1 human with a 16 zombie count. Ill make the adjustments asap and change the links. Thanks for the info :)
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Dude. I love you. (No ****) The looks of this 2D map are amazing. Welcome to forgehub. New Favorite Map. Dled
  6. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    ohhhh.... i see what you're getting at.yeah, what you could do is make it so that its ctf or stockpile or something, and i think there's an option so that the round ends when you score. or better, you could do KOTH, territories, or invasion ( with 1 or 2 second objective captures).there's a lot of games that have scoring, so you could find a way to incorparate that. yeah, on the weekends i might be able to get on and help more. my GT is darknessdays6.

    Edited by merge:

    oh, and also, are they two seperate maps, or is there a teleporter at the end of 1-1? cuz' if it is two maps, i dont see a second dl link.
    #6 D3ATH EYE, May 5, 2011
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  7. Bonesfourtyfive

    Bonesfourtyfive Forerunner

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    its two seperate maps, the download link for the gametype and map brings you to the file set so you can download all 3. On the second level you start out at the castle of level 1 and then you walk into a pipe that will drop you into the level.

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