Trench Warfare

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by REPTILE 0009, May 5, 2011.

  1. REPTILE 0009

    REPTILE 0009 Forerunner

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    I've finally completed my new map. It's based on the guerilla warfare tactics in the Vietnam War. Lots of trenches to hide in. Land-mines are everywhere. Works on Big Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Territories, Assault, and King of the Hill. Supports 8-16 players.
    Download Link: : Halo Reach : File Details
    P.S. Yeah, my pictures are kinda outdated, but I'm too lazy to take some new pictures.
  2. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a great idea for a map and I like what you have going on with the bases/trenches. my only concern is that there is too much open space between the trenches...I know many people would just go for the hogs and dominate without even setting foot into the trenches. It seems like the placement of the land mines would also deter them from going near the trenches.

    All in all good map, I'm just a bit concerned with the spacing.
  3. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    like legacy said, its a great idea, and a good amount of it resembles the old war trenches. my only concern though is that some of the rock trenches look really weird, with rocks just piled on top of stuff or sticking out of the cliff. good job, although try moving them around to make it look more natural. =)

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