Ok so, I just made my account, and I'm working on my first actual Forge map. I have some good ideas, but i just can't get them to work. Here they are:My map will be based on close and medium range combat (Like have a large open center area and a compact area on the sidesIt'll kind of have an egg shapeThere will be two small tunnels on both flanks leading to the two sides and the center areaIt's probably going to be Covenant-themed, I can do that by placing the Purple special effectBut I can't figure out how to get that all hooked together. Could someone help me?
A great way to draft up designs is to draw basic shapes with a pen and paper. It doesn't have to be an exact replica of what you want; it just has to get the general information across. It's pretty good for figuring out how you want areas to fit together, for getting spacing and paths right, etc..
its not so much that they dont work well, as that they take skill, experience, and a good knowledge of how to create the right edges to get anywhere near the rounded shapes of the covenant structures. i actually have a few maps im working on all Covey themed, and so far, it isnt so bad. its just... tricky. it takes a lot of knowing just whats going to make when to get it right, otherwise it looks like a UNSC structure no matter which way you turn it. and its not just about colors, though they help. in the end, it just comes down to application. if youve never forged with Reach's forge though, i dont recommend Covey style structures for a long time. im only just now starting to work on them, and i got reach a while ago and have forged nearly non stop.