ARTIFEX INDUSTRIES (REVAMPED) "This towering edifice is nearly as dominating as the individuals that reside within its walls." After making my first few maps and getting some great feedback, I decided to go back and take an old idea and polish it up. As you could probably tell from the title, this is a new, sleeker looking version of my previous Artifex Industries map. I want to clarify that i wasn't trying to make a very close remake of the first map (if that isn't apparent already) I just wanted to take a new approach. With this map, I ran with the triangular Artifex symbol and applied it to the architecture of the building itself, yielding some pretty pleasing results. However, there wasn't too much budget to expand on some of the rooms in the individual towers, but hopefully I make up for that with the overall outward appearance and the atrium. Enjoy! Front Entrance Lobby. It's quite a bit more stark than the previous map. I tried to give it a similar feel while also making it seem like a harsher environment. Top view of the lobby and desk. Note the Artifex insignia in the floor Plus there's some awesome steps. Sender and Receiver nodes from the Atrium. There's an identical area to the left of the desk as well. The Atrium. On the farther corners are the teleporters from the lobby. It's a long drop down... Teleporters to the upper levels of the tower. Landing pad. Bottom view of the upper levels. 3rd floor bridges. Orange 3rd floor teleporter. Yellow teleporter. Ramps to the 4th floor. Top of the ramps. Firing range. Opposite side is the research wing. Top view.
Wow, that is one beautiful map. Reminds me of the skyscrapers from New Alexandria, or the ONI building from ODST. And I like the look of the little rock gardens on the upper level, I don't know if they have been done before but they look sweet. Downloading and will play tonight in a custom slayer game.
OMFGWTFBBQ! This is a bajillion zillion times better than the original and it is the best building map I have ever seen! If there was any extra budget I'd say improve the lobby...
Thanks for the feedback guys! Though I do agree that the lobby could use a bit of improving. If i do a V2 that'll be the first thing I give my attention to. I actually did pull some of the design elements from ONI buildings, particularly the one from ODST. I wanted the building to have a really solid looking exterior and to look like it was mostly all one piece, unlike my first version.
Amazing map dude i give it a 9/10 ive not seen any other maps like this building must of took a while to make
Yea bro thats a sick map! I'm co-founder of the Assassin Forge Clan, we're looking for new members and we'd like to invite you to join. We're a bunch of people who like to forge and pretty much chill, halo it up, and admire great maps/custom games such as this one. You can also upload your epic/funny halo vids to the site and we'll feature it on our youtube channel! Check us out and sign up at ASSASSIN FORGE CLAN, add me on xbox (ASSASSINinB1ACK), hope to have you aboard!
Thats not an "Artifex" Symbol. Its called a tri-force from the Zelda game series Try to make your own symbol that isn't owned by Nintendo please.
Actually, good sir, the symbol is based on the Sierpinski Gasket, a fractal first described by Polish mathematician Waclaw Sierpinski in 1915, long before the release of any Legend of Zelda games (or anything Nintendo-related, for that matter). If that wasn't enough, similar patterns are present in 13th Century Cosmati mosaics in the cathedral of Anagni, Italy. Obviously, Nintendo does not own this simple fractal, and I incorporated it because I believe the there are certain aspects of the Sierpinski Triangle that can be applied metaphorically to Artifex Industries. tl;dr Nintendo used the shape in their own way with a new name, and I've done the same thing. No harm in that. Pwned
I remember the first one- was really fun to mess around on, and I liked the idea of a big building that's still complex-makes it feel like someone really took the time to make it awesome. And with this, I attempt my comeback into the forgehub community. Well, I tried it out. While I must say, I did like it, I can't say I liked it as much as the first. I mean, this one's pretty cool and all, the first seemed to supply a little more asymmetry in it that made certain areas really feel different and thought out, and with all the stuff that was in here, I felt it was too similar on all sides and it just felt... lacking. Do you know what I mean?
I lol at that dude who said he took the Triangle emblem from nintendo. Thats like saying if the halo emblem was just a circle then the letter o would be stealing it. But anyways, I love it! bloody brilliant design. i do prefer the first map through. no offense. just as El FlyingCondor said, it seemed to lack a little compared to the first map. But overall sweet map! maybe trying building more complex structures.
Well, guess you can't beat the classics I totally get what you mean though. I realized pretty far into building this that there wasn't going to be much room for well... rooms. The upside to this map is that i finished modifying it to be compatible with several gametypes, infection and CTF included (screenshots of some test games will be up soon!) Anyways, glad you liked the design (and the first map!).
I loved walking around Artifex Industries v2. It reminded me a lot of the massive buildings on Crackdown, such as the agency tower. I'm a big fan of how you connected the towers together to create a realistic, and generally beautiful piece of architecture. Now build a love shack.
I agree with grif. The first building was alot better and has more stuff in it. But i love how you made both buildings either way and i hope to see another one if thats possible
While i agree that the first building had more going on in it, I also agree that this version is more appealing to the eye for its deceivingly simple, yet actually complicated design. it makes me think of any evil coorporation building you see in movies. stark barren entryway, tall soaring building, with few notable features, it could blend into any skyline easily, yet would be burned into your mind when you learned what was inside.
HOLLLY ****!!! that has map of the year all over it. diddent you say you made the first one for a machinima, did you actualy make one, if so, show me.
i think that it is a really cool map oh and this is a little of topic but how do i upload maps to forgehub plz send me a private message
I was very impressed by the original. Some people may choose to compare the two. In my opinion both have taken up a lot of time and effort so I respect that. Definitely a different look at architecture in general. Not your everyday corner store that's for sure.
Love it, though I would love it more if you made it a invasion map, that would be sick. Other than that, looks awesome.
Ehh, I've seen this map. I was impressed on how the outside looked- It was very creative and interesting. Also, I loved the hallway leading into the structure- Especially the stairs -LOVE EM The only thing I didn't like was the red light, it's an eye-sore and should really never be used on a map IMO...Other than that, this is a very aesthetically pleasing map.