ASTRO V1.1 Download Here ****The beta of V2 is done for this map if anyone would be willing to run on it for me then it would be greatly appreciated as I have to work in a few minutes. The main changes are that there is now a way to take purple lifts from the first floor and gold is more closed off. Also there is a drop down hole on each street. If you would like you can download it here: Astro V2 Beta**** This map didn't start out with construct in mind but as I went along it started to take on the Construct esque feel so I started just going with it. I originally built the map inside of the colliseum but after the first finished build of the map I decided it would be beneficial to move the whole thing outside. So I took on the task of rebuilding and where necessary remodeling the map. I took the feedback I received from the playtests on the first version of the map and made it alot better. I really hope everyone can enjoy this map as much as I do. Style: Vertical/Symmetrical Gametypes: TS & KoTH Weapons, Gadgets, and AAs: Jetpack x2 Sniper x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Pistol x2 Needle Rifle x1 DMR x4 Camo x1 Health Pack x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Grenade x2 Frag Grenade x2 Screenshots: Thanks to everyone that helped me test this map from the start. Special Thanks to: Unoverated Seven Oh Three SecretSchnitzel TDx Crossfire
Very cool. It reminds me of an upside-down sanctuary. Nice weapon layout. I don't quite understand the armor abilities though. Especially jetpack, I usually have to recondition a map for that. But, it's your choice, and I haven't played it yet, so I hope it is as awesome as it looks.
sactuary? i think it is a lot more like construct the map looks nice all i can say it try and change the lifts to something else besides, walkway covers