suggestions and elevator help.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Maverik, May 4, 2011.

  1. Maverik

    Maverik Forerunner

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    ok, im currently making a machinima related map for a project some friends and i are doing. anyway, i have built an elevator that works, and will stop on the floor i need it to, but i have a slight problem with it. everything ive used to try and hold it in place has had some sort of failure. i tried a method using fusion coils to block the man cannons im using to lift it, and a shield between the coils and myself, but the box itself wont be affected by the mancannons then, and therefore, wont launch upwards. I then tried a gun to hold it in place, but when i got close to it, it shuddered violently, as the mancannon tried to push the movable crate against the stationary gun. Whenever i stepped onto it at this point, it would damage me till i had no shields or health left, and when i pulled the gun to go up, it would often launch just me, or kill me all together. any suggestions?

    and i need some ideas on what would go into a military type conference sort of room the UNSC might use. i have a nice sized screen on one wall, and a table with six seats, but otherwise, im out of ideas.
  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I might be able to help you but I'll need to see the actually elevator. Just hit me up and I'll come take a look
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Are you set on a mechanical elevator like that? I generally stay away from them because unless you are an excellent and patient forger (more excellent and patient than me anyway!) they seem to never work consistently and have at least occasional failures, sometimes catastrophic ones. A one-way shield door "elevator" is far easier to set up and will probably work better. But if you're going for an aesthetically correct elevator, I understand I s'pose.
  4. Maverik

    Maverik Forerunner

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    to clarify, the elevator MUST be mechanical to go up. it doesnt have to work 100% of the time, it just needs to work enough that i can use it for the machinima purposes i have in mind.

    and its sitting next to a down elevator of a similar sort, minus the mancannons below, so it would look weird not to have another mechanical one.

    as much as id love to, at the moment, i dont have access to live, and as such, can neither take pics, nor show you in game. its relatively simple though, with it consisting of a shaft made from Xlarge bridges turned to be verticle, a pair of mancannons heavy turned to aim upwards at the bottom, overlapping to make one stronger beam, and a crate above those, set to go up the shaft.

    i tried one variant where I seperated the mancannons and the crate with fuel cells, blocking the man cannons push, and linked to a trigger system made up of fuel cells and a landmine for a button, with shield doors blocking the blasts, but not the mancannon from the crate, so itd launch it.

    this one would kill me during the actual going up the shaft bit, either from the blast, or the crate accelerating, i dont know yet. reviewing the film now.

    the other varient had the crate sitting on the mancannons directly, with a DMR sitting atop it, fixed to hold it down.

    when i got close to this though, it made a banging noise, like when you try and lower a gun or something through the floor. that clack clack clack noise. when i stepped onto it, it did damage but wouldnt kill till i picked up the gun, which would send me into the air, the crate falling faster, though for some reason, it would still make it up the shaft to the top, and would typically kill me when it hit me again.

    if i get lucky, the fourteenth, and fifteenth, ill be able to show you in game. if i dont, i can for sure on the 26th.

    Edited by merge:

    ok, i just got done watching the video, and it wasnt the blast that killed me. as i had suspected, the acceleration of the crate resulted in my being splattered as it registered as hitting me. sad. any ideas folks? i just need a mechanical elevator, or a way to make it seem it is, that can be operated alone if need be, if possible.
    #4 Maverik, May 4, 2011
    Last edited: May 4, 2011

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