First off, please do not come in here, saying how overpriced the map pack is. It definitely isn't if you use reason. Mw2 = 3 maps = 10 dollars = 3.33 per map. Escalation = 5 maps = 15 dollars = $3 per map. Not to mention the zombies map has almost infinite replay value. Anyways, I think Treyarch actually did a great job on this map pack and if your borderline on buying it, get it. All 4 multiplayer maps are very asthetically pleasing and really play well. I have yet to uncover all the secrets of Call of the Dead, but I know a few, and they are neat. (I won't ruin the surprise for any others) But in all, it was definitely worth the money and it is crazy fun. Thoughts?
Yo, use the search function before making another thread ever again. There's already a thread for this.