Uprising Map Pack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Soul Slasher, May 3, 2011.

  1. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    The map pack is called uprising because they all have to do with re-volting.​

    For example: Rebellion is the Militia on Reach fending off covenant forces.​

    Irony is slaves in a factory fighting back due to harsh work conditions.​

    Besieged is the Greek citizens unrecorded event of history, rising against rulers.​

    The idea for Irony was to make a factory map. At the time, I visited pittsburg. Put two and two together...​

    Rebellion was an experiment with terraforming. From Flying Shoe's map First Tracks,​

    he had taught me a thing or two about naturalism. ​

    Besieged was an idea from history class, actually. I fell asleep (lol) and it was like a vision.​








    A very, very fast-paced medium sized map. Good for 8 player Free-For-All*

    *suggested dmr starts
    Also set up for Chess and Grifball. (Note grifball is NOT up to regulations.)


    Energy Sword 150RT

    Sniper Rifle 135RT 1SC

    Grenade Launcher 100RT 3SC

    Various DMRs 20-50RT 0-2SC

    ARs 20RT 2SC













    Irony is just that. The irony that you see it degraded. The irony how awesome it is from me. The irony tha... nevermind.

    Anyway, i wanted a small asymmetric map for FFA and a factory map.


    Rocket 0SC

    Nade Launcher


    Machinegun Turret



    I've legitly never heard any FH member complain on this map. I've been told stuff like

    "This is getting downloaded" or "This should be a FAVORITE"​

    "dude this map is sick..." etc. Ask me for more.​


    // Command: Marines, Team Gladius has failed

    to stop the initial wave of split-jaw forces.

    The odds are slim, but you are going to have

    to terminate covie forces yourself. Whatever they do, never let their hands on the information core.

    Command, out.























    // Command: I'm assuming now you've seen Team Gladius' failure to defend Reach, you want to get armed. Their flaws, in phases:

    They let one of two manditory generators fail.

    One of the elites must have slipped passed for the alternate jenny.

    Split-jaws destroyed the Mill. From what I understand, this was used as a firebase for Gladius. Once again, one of the elites took a back-path. Gladius never saw it coming.

    They captured the Power Module, not permitting spartans/militia to escape.

    // Command: We've captured plans for the invasion.

    This time, they've got vehicles, so look out and get Ordinance weapons for a loadout.

    The sneaking is worse now. They have rendered Invisibility: blind to human eyes. Luckily, some spartans can see it.

    Aircraft. We've sent a UH-144ReconFalcon to counter it. We're also sending multiple M12 FAV for small firefights.

    // Command: Good luck, spartans.



    Video coming soon. ​

    Thanks for viewing. ​

    #1 Soul Slasher, May 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
  2. AboveHaloMaster

    AboveHaloMaster Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Dude, these maps are so incredibly awesome, you put great water features,I like your map design, ideas for a map, and structure. These maps have great potential, I can't wait to download these and play, Good job on your maps.
  3. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Thanks man. Always good to hear positive comments.
    While reading it struck me that i forgot the downloads in each map category. Fixed.
  4. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    I like all, but Rebellion could have more details to it, it seems that some areas in it lack in details. None the less nie job and there all good! :D
  5. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Yea, i can see what you're saying. The problem is I cannot fix it due to no object count.
    The third phase especially.
  6. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Well, besieged is one of the best maps I've seen since, I don't even know. I love the different effects and how you were able to make a map that felt like Halo. Nice job man!

    However, the other maps just don't entice me as much. I think it's the fact that you copied your awesome waterfall... It's a good idea and executed well, but couldn't you have come up with something different? It's still got my download, but I don't care for it as much as the other one.

    Rebellion is just another invasion map to me. I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything that hasn't been done before. It just doesn't stand up to the other two.

    Keep these maps coming!
  7. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good. I have yet to play on irony. Rebellion is a great invasion map and besieged looks and plays beautifully, apart from the back circular room
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I blush- remember, your map Lodging first inspired First Tracks, which I hope to FINALLY post soon. I love all three maps and have enjoyed seeing them all progress, especially Rebellion which I saw earliest. Here is an opinion on each:
    - Besieged is pretty cool, though I only saw it once. The idea to make it compatible with griffball was a nice surprise, and I expect it to play well even hough I feel the aesthetics are... maybe not quite your style?
    - Irony, however, is quite amazing. While the waterfall doesn't quite fit, the rest of the map is high quality, with some very interesting paths tied together through the conveyor belt. One of the best small asymmetrical maps I know!
    - Renegade is a very cool invasion map that, like all, will take a long time to perfect, though it has improved greatly since it's beginnings. The rocks are a little bumpy, but fine for the ghost to climb... except for that one time where it spontaneously exploded on the way down. P1 is pretty good, but in phase 2 I feel the bomb plant is hard to get it up (unless they are just distracted) and awkward to plant, either being extremely difficult or blowing right away. P3 is good, until the core is taken, then the person just makes a short run to the cliff and drops and scores. Yes I know, First Tracks does this to, but on yours the core drops into a full attackers spawn zone, very close to the return. Night want to move it back towards the bomb plant or one of the P1 buildings; if you haven't made all of these changes already that is.
    Overall, very awesome! And Rebellion is NOT just another invasion map. Believe me, there are a lot of crappy ones out there, and yours isn't one of them!

    Edit: I will be posting a map pack soon too, though each map will be separately posted due to not wanting to over crowd viewers minds with info and because of spaced out completion percentages. First Tracks will be the first installment in my Great Outdoors Map Pack, with 2 other similar sized maps coming along later. Yay for Map Packs!
    #8 Skyward Shoe, May 3, 2011
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  9. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    yes another map pack maker! (NOTE: that your map pack is the UPRISING map pack and mine is the UNDETAKEN map pack i thought that was amusing). alright so i studied your maps intently and there pretty good clean forging i cant really complain about anything the maps seem to play very well to judgeing by the videos my farvorate is
    Irony by far i think when we have customs going my and my buddies are going to play this one a ton. all and all great work buddy.
  10. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    What Berb said about the circular back room on Besieged. If possible, you ought to open it up a bit to make it less of a cluster-**** of nades and sword campers. Perhaps using a different center column in that room that takes up less room? Maybe even removing the center column altogether would work. Otherwise, this map was awesome and felt very CE in its simplicity, with obvious allusions to H2's Sanctuary.

    Renegade was alright. Getting an Invasion map to feel focused and give players clear, concise objectives to even first time players, is very difficult. This was my primary beef with the map. I only played it once, but I remember it feeling like it lacked cohesion.

    The core room was very easy to camp if you went up on that ledge the lift takes you to with a nade launcher in hand. If anyone tried to come up behind you, you'd be able to hear em' coming as well. Once the core was out of there, it seemed like the defenders got scattered around and the attackers would suddenly score without much of a chase. IRC, there were two locations it could be brought to, which may have contributed to this.

    Haven't played Irony, but I think the flame decal is distracting and takes away from the pictures. Might wanna tone that down.

    P.S.: Did you make a gif to get the cycling map images in the thumbnail?
  11. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Cool. I saw your post, i liked the maps, but didnt comment. I will soon.

    Yea, i'll try to open that back room a bit. I originally had it like a staircase. I'll put that back.

    BTW its rebellion. Never the less, now there is only one direction to take the core, on the cliff somewhat above elite base. I never did like the old setup.

    I'll make the pics less strong a.s.a.p which isnt soon at all. In the meantime, i have a video up. take a look.

    Anyway, thanks.
  12. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Although uprising map pack in a not-so-creative map pack name, these maps look great. The aesthetics look awsome on Irony and on besieged, that waterfall looks amaaaazing and beautiful. Also, I like that you decided to do a map pack, not many people do that. I was at one point going to name one of my maps Irony, but I see you've taken it first. No biggie, these maps look great and that invasion map looks like it would be hella fun, seeing as I like invasion. One thing I'm not too particular of is that rock/grass tip cup garden aesthetic piece in besieged. It's overused and quite honestly it isn't that aesthetically pleasing anymore. Try to come up with a better way to utilize the tin cup. I've no doubt you could come up with something. Overall, I'm loving the maps the names of the maps and the layouts you have for them. Keep it up.
  13. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Well the name is sorta what the topic is. The only other thing I could think of was Rebellious, which already my map name.
    I honestly loved having a map pack, rather than a bunch of seperate ones.
    Irony was a nice choice for it. I wouldn't say it overused. You could still use it after all.
    The tin-cup grass I had drawn-out to have a statue there. Then, I realized i couldn't have a statue and a sword unless it was blocked. Yea, it is overused, but I have to use it. It's kinda like saying wall coliseums are overused.


    Shout-out to frozenlynx- forgot to tell you, yes that is a GIF image.
  14. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Fair enough and heck I mean all these maps are still awesome and fun, I just got done playing them all and there perfect a nice balance of weapons. So though one MIGHT be not as good as others doesn't mean that its not fun as heck! Love them! :D
  15. Eww Your Skinny

    Eww Your Skinny Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ermmm, nothing original! God, we need to see something new, they weren't terrible but nothing new, I played them, It was like every other Reach map
  16. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    May I re-direct your trolling to a more worthy cause or request you elaborate on what parts you don't like. This comment has not helped Soul at all to understand how to make the maps better, all you have done is to try and stomp them down. If this was an attempt at a legitimate comment, please be specific and state what you would change. If you are trolling, leave, and don't expect another reply.
    And by my own opinion, Irony and Rebellion are both very original maps.
  17. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Pipe down, shoe. He is a common troll. What do you want me to do? Completely remove the maps?
    Anyway, i forgot to say in post, Besieged is set up for Chess and Grifball.

    Edit: You,troll, have NO maps. Who are you again? And, just what the hell? Like a damn factory level, a Planet Reach level, and even a Greek Empire level are NOT original?
    #17 Soul Slasher, May 5, 2011
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  18. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    I hate to see you maps get tolled like this... if i know what i am talking about it must be heartwrenching to put all this work into your maps to have a foolish troll pop in and spread his oddness everywhere... don't let him get to you the maps play well. keep up the good work lol i am looking out for you out there XD
  19. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, no actually wall colisuem and tin cups with rocks are two completely different stories. One is an aesthetic piece that is over used and one is a wall...A WALL, how can a wall be overused? It's hard to describe, but I think that really you could've come up with something better. I think you're confused on what I said about map packs. I said I LIKE that you did it. Also, I didn't say the map name Irony was overused :| I don't know if you've misundestood me or I've misunderstood you, but either way I like your maps.
  20. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Yea, i agree with everything you said...
    I know you said you liked a map pack idea. I was reflecting, lol... i do that alot.
    I think we both misunderstood. rofl.

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