Yeah, I didn't know about this game intill a couple days ago. I DL'd the first game's trial, really liked it, and im wasting my time and "spoiling" the 2nd one by watching these lol I know what I'm buying soon
I watched the end on youtube. It's pretty epic. I probably should have waited, but I couldn't help myself.
YouTube - Portal 2 - Lets Play - Episode 15 YouTube - Portal 2 - Lets Play - Episode 16 YouTube - Portal 2 - Lets Play - Episode 17
YouTube - Portal 2 - Lets Play - Episode 18 YouTube - Portal 2 - Lets Play - Episode 19 YouTube - Portal 2 - Lets Play - Episode 20 YouTube - Portal 2 - Lets Play - Episode 21 What a good ending.
In the Xbox version you get an achievement for "saving a turret from redemption" lol Just watched the episode with the gel pump station, I got stuck on it for like 20 minutes...yet the some of the ones you got stuck on I breezed through, just shows everyone's mind thinks differently Portal 2 rox
Yeah there were a few where I immediately knew what to do, and frustratingly watched as Bloo figured what to do! And then there were times I though to myself "I would have never guessed that" lol. I can't wait to get my hands on this game and play it in person. [edit]: Anyone with the 360 version: how do the graphics compare?
I have 360 but not PC and from what I've seen in comparisons the difference isn't much really. I was happy with the quality on the 360 version. It wasn't Crysis by any means but the lighting and textures are cool (IMO).
Episode 1 of the Portal Co-Op campaign with my good ol' buddy ol' pal Sharp! YouTube - Portal 2 - Cooperative Tesing Experience - Episode 1‏
I heard they're cool guys. Part 2 YouTube - Portal 2 - Cooperative Tesing Experience - Episode 2‏
YouTube - Portal 2 - Cooperative Tesing Experience - Episode 2‏ Sharp beat me to posted the Part 2 link, but I feel i should update everytime anyways.
Over 2 and some months go by, and the fifth episode finally comes out! Portal 2 - Cooperative Tesing Experience - Episode 5 - YouTube