Forgeworld - Out of skybox

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by RogueWolf, May 3, 2011.

  1. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    I ran some quick searches to see if anyone had done this yet, or had put a map up, but failed to see anything (as in canvas (sort of) maps).
    If this has been posted before notify me and I'll take this one down (or if I missed something and its against the rules).

    However if not and you were looking to forge slightly higher up in the sky, then here: : Halo Reach : File Details

    This allows you to go just over 3 colloseum walls above the original skybox (you'll need to use a teleport to get there) the grid marks the edge of the soft kill zone left by bungie. I've left a teleport up on the top of a cliff near the grid, but if you can't find it just spawn a new sender node as Alpha and it should take you straight through.
    The only thing to note (so far) is that when re-entering the original skybox you will meet some resistance and slow down, and you will need to use a teleport to get back up.
    #1 RogueWolf, May 3, 2011
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Yeah I made a map up there called Progenitor and a recent map called Think Twice was built up there. Its a cool place.
  3. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Indeed it is, I built a tower from the ground up through it and I like the look of Progenitor, but hadn't seen it before as I don't spend much time in the competitive maps area (although when I do they are rather impressive). I didn't expect to have been the first to do it but it's interesting to see what others do with the area (edited main post, I meant canvas maps).
    Currently thinking about building something exclusively up there though...I've got a few ideas.

    Main reason for this post was that I've been playing around up there for a while, however I thought it'd be nice to give everyone else a way up to build there (who hadn't already).
    #3 RogueWolf, May 3, 2011
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  4. xECLIPSEx

    xECLIPSEx Forerunner

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    I also knew about this as well, I am was planning to make a map up there a couple days ago, good to know how tall the area is, thanks.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I have been using this since 2010, it really is old news.

    Although that is super cool that you marked off the boundries and what-not - the only problem is the fact that it will say your name as the map creator on anything created with this. Just wanna give you a heads up.
  6. Josh1129

    Josh1129 Forerunner

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    thanks for posting this it would really help me on my upcoming race map
  7. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    I wasn't sure, I mean I had known about it for a while but Josh asked me to put it up, so I did.
    I'm glad it was at least some use.
    True Reflex, hadn't realised that.
  8. Josh1129

    Josh1129 Forerunner

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    Im kinda new to forging i also wanted to build a covie drop ship for a vid im making

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