
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AtlasIsShruggin, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    EDIT: This map works as a great infection map, however I have recently completed a version 2 that is completely revamped to accommodate all major gametypes. The newest version is drastically different from the first so I will be reposting the V2 map sometime in the next week or so once I have a chance to playtest all the gametypes. If you want to take a look at the newest version click the download link below. I highly recommend checking the map out now or when it is reposted. If you wish to comment on the newer version PLEASE wait for the newer thread as this thread is still intended for the original version. If you have any comments on the newer version please send me a PM. Thank You. - Atlas

    Download Version Two Beta

    This capsized ship has become the cornerstone of this Haven. "You bring any apples?"

    When I was considering what my next map would be, I knew I wanted to build something surreal. It is a visual style that is very interesting to me. The second decision I made is that i would utilize the Pillar. I don't see it used all that often in the maps that are posted and I felt it presented a unique challenge.

    The first thing I realized is that to make the map work, I needed some sort of structure in the water. At first I came to the obvious choice, which is a ship. But then i realized that I had seen so many ship maps floating around it just wasn't interesting to me anymore. (Pun Intended) Then I had a great original idea, "What about a capsized boat?"

    Having a capsized boat in the map made the map look very interesting, but it allowed a very interesting thing to happen on the inside. Rather than build the inside like any normal structure, I designed the interior to be vertical, as if the ships normal structure remained even though it had been turned on the side. Then I layered ramps so that the player could navigate the map, using the added navigation to look as though it had been added after the shipwreck.

    The effect was as i desired, floors become walls and walls become floors. You ascend through doors rather than walk through them. It takes a little adjusting to as you initially move through the map, but it quickly becomes easy to navigate while maintaining a unique visual style. The ship contains a sniper rifle on the top floor.

    Then I moved onto the settlement of Haven. Each building takes a unique shape while looking as part of the whole. As you exit the shipwreck you come upon several option. You can go up left or right. Or hop across the water to a teleporter that instantly takes you to the upper level of the map.

    On the right side the ramp leads to a two room building and then up to a round bunker. I used two bunkers right on top of each other and then flipped the top ones. This creates a drop down in the middle of the building with man cannons to bring you right back up to the second floor.

    On the left side you are brought up to a series of buildings that leads up to another circular structure, this one much more open than the other, The sniper rifle can be found in the center of this structure. One of the buildings also contains the exit to the teleport that is found down by the ship.

    Both sides are then connected by the natural paths of the pillar. A platform in the middle contains the rocket launcher. The result of the settlement opposite of the shipwreck, is a very interesting, surreal map that contains many different styles of buildings that come together to form a very cohesive looking and performing map.

    Weapons List:
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Grenade Launcher
    2 Shotguns
    2 Sniper Rifles
    12 DMRS
    6 Assault Rifles
    6 Magnums
    2 Plasma Pistols
    3 Needlers
    16 Frag Grenades
    16 Plasma Grenades














    #1 AtlasIsShruggin, Apr 29, 2011
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  2. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is a very unique design, I have never seen a broken ship on FH. The ship looks great too, it makes a nice center area of the map. The only thing I don't like is that most of the rest of the map is just bridges and ramps. This often leads to a map with lots of long sight lines and only two ways to run in an attack: towards the attacker or away. Or into the drink I suppose. I understand you are going for a gangplank feel, but these endless walkways really should have some larger "Dance floor" areas. Still, a very unique idea!
  3. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Thanks! The map outside the boat does have a series of walkways, however, they are broken up in the appropriate places with buildings and other structures. Also if you take a walk around the map you'll find that there are multiple ways to get around the map. When you add in the teleporter you get varied game play and the ability to use creativity to move around the map.

    Thanks again, I hope you enjoy the map!

  4. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    By movement I didn't mean different pathways, I meant that when on a bridge you can only go one of two ways, unlike say a plaza where you can go any number of directions to get to the other side ( around this piece of cover, quickly shooting off into that building.) A few areas like this are good, especially for power weapon fights, but too many leads to nothing but head on face offs and getting shot at by someone and having nowhere to run. I'm sure there are plenty of paths, it's the linearity of each path that bothers me. I do see there are a few areas that aren't like this, but I feel there are a lot more that are.
  5. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Ok I see what your saying, When play testing the map there were definitely times where confrontation was forced, but it never felt as though in a bad way. I did purposefully put twist and turns in the walkways to provide a greater range of movement for players. If you look through my maps you'll see that I try to make sure that every game style is represented in each one and I feel I've done that here as well. But we may also be at odds at what we like in a map as well. I like to provide adequate cover but I dislike a map that allows for a player to run away every time they are down a shot. I think that this map rewards the better team and allows for every player to play the way they want to. I'd recommend trying out a team slayer match and a capture the flag (CTF plays especially well on this map) and see for yourself the variety that each game presents.

    Again thank you for your comment I do appreciate you taking the time to look at the map! I apologize for being so defensive on this but after play testing I feel a great confidence in the map.

    - Atlas
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm really loving that broken/sunken ship. It shows more of your creativity and looks awesome. I can see that you used quite a few pre-forged buildings, but you used them well. The layout looks great and the aesthetics look amazing as usual. I have only one complaint and it's on the fact that you used rocks- It seems like you use rocks to break up the long pathways and I think you could try to come up with a better way to break them up and give cover to them. Other than that, I really like the creativity in this. Keep it up.
  7. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    is this made for 1 sided assault?
  8. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Thanks Eightball! You're right of course with the fact that I use rocks to break up a map a lot. And I do need to be a bit more creative with that, though I think if I was to switch it up I would change it on another map. I think the rocks fit this map well because of the shipwreck. But I will work on using other techniques in the future.

    PS: The map is not set up for 1 sided Assault, but is set up for all CTF game types. I recommend playing 1 flag CTF or Multiflag CTF as both types play very well on the map.

  9. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I understand, generally I am a bit of a nitpicker with maps because I tend to get such feed back as "this is sweet" or "I don't like it." Truly I haven't played it yet, too short on time, so I don't know how it plays. And your right, I honestly said that because I don't like maps like The Cage where you are out on long paths. Bit of nitpicking + taste differences. I do really like the map though, I hope my criticism didn't hide that. Nice job!

    P.S.- I have to say I feel the rocks fit this map. And no, I am not just spiting Eightball by saying that. 1 flag or 1 bomb don't look bad for this either, not all flag maps work well for 1 flag as well but this has potential (or better yet, Neutral flag from the ship!)
  10. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Thanks again for you interest! You actually got me thinking and I plan on doing a V2 here in the next couple weeks. Its going to involve moving the map to a new location so it'll take a bit. Also I plan on expanding my horizons and learning to set a map up for more gametypes. But the move will allow me to cut the bridges at least by half and put in some more actual buildings. So Ill PM you when I'm finished. I do appreciate you challenging the map. Even though I'm a stubborn SOB it almost always gets me thinking later and almost always makes the map 100 times better. So I do really appreciate your comments!

  11. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is this an obstacle course or a competitive map? or both? Navigating this map must be hell. It's nice and all but it feels cramped in the interior parts and it looks like there's supposed to be 5 maps in one here. This map does look nice though, so you have that going for you.
  12. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Well at least you have an alternate opinion than others. Most think its too spread out. But if you read my above comment I'm already working on a 2nd version. Though the ship will remain mostly the same. I am considering building it at a slight angle to make the ship more interesting but the inside plays well while being very interesting. I'm mostly changing the outside layout. The map will be much smaller but I'm already excited about the new layout.
  13. Madpond

    Madpond Forerunner

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    As always great map atlastishruggen, i love the archurtecture for the map/ship/island
    By the way is there jetpacks for navagaion on the slanted ship?
    You are one of the better forgers on fh As always keep em coming
    #13 Madpond, May 1, 2011
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  14. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    The rocks look solid aesthetically, but I'll have to get into the map to make better judgment of how this might play out. I'll search up some reference images too to see how well this works with the original area. Nice job as always! -Slamm

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