Chapter 2: The Lab

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by tyggerr, May 2, 2011.

  1. tyggerr

    tyggerr Forerunner

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    [FONT=&quot]The Infection Outbreak Campaign[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]By tyggerr [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Helped by x iWaRShAdE[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]Recommanded player 8-16[/FONT]​

    The other(s) Chapter:

    [FONT=&quot]Video report of Corporal Mick:[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]You see henceforth by the helmet of the marine:[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]While the elevator went down some floors, a shock was felt. The elevator had just jammed! Luckily, we had only had to collide a group of parasites who nested there, because the elevator started again falling after some seconds of immobility.[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]Arrived at destination, we get out of the elevator, pursuing our road, we perceive glass cages in walls had been broken. So, it was from here that resulted the Infected? Of our own base? But that thus had mind the scientists?[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]I have to stop writing, a Jumper has just landed on my team-mate, I keep the camera of my helmet opened, in the case or somebody would find it if I die. He can teach it at least invaluable information …[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]Now, he closes his writing report while his team-mates bandage the wounds of the unfortunate who was assaulted … You hear his voice, but it is a little suffocated :[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]Let’s go! We move, it is necessary to advance, the blood risks to attract them! C’mon faster than that![/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]You close the camera, it is full of blood now… Another men who died under the Infected assault…[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]You group is still alive, you've survived the last floor and that SuperZombie. But now, you're in The Lab ![/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]There is a piece of metal which block the path. You'll have to wait about a minute before you can repair it and allow you to pass.[/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]But, always give a look at your back or someone is going to bite it! Like what happened to Caporal Mick's group... [/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]Take everything left behind by the scientists and progress through that damn laboratory.[/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]You should reach the main reactor :[/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]But as you may see, the bridge is broke (maybe by the Infected? Who knows?)[/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]You'll have to hold there untill the service door open. I hope it's fast, because Jumpers can come from every single way in this reactor...![/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]The bridge is not large, and you do not see well, but there is a holdout on the side, with a shotgun and a turret, sure the turret is not very well placed, but you could still use it.[/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]When the door open, there will be a dead end... [/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]You will have to wait for someone to place a C-4 charge and blow up that wall ! If you survive, you'll end in the safe zone for today... But for now give a look to that wall :[/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]And if you reach the safe zone, you'll have to hold a few more minutes in there :[/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]For now, it seems like the Infected aren't elvolving a lot, but they can still surprise you with a few tricks...[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]-----------------From an Infected perspective-------------[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]This is the "Infected Spawn Bridge", you'll use it almost everytime to move fast through the map. If you fall off it, there will be a Man cannon that spawn after sometime to allow you to return on the bridge:[/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]-Use the installation at your advantage even if the Jetpack is recommended, it is not nessessary, you can get almost everywhere without it, just give a look to the environment![/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]-Take your time and assassinate the survivor. Even if they are at the end, they can still be assassinate, so be quick![/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]-Attack in group of two or more, or use the Hologram if you're alone.[/FONT]​


    [FONT=&quot]-Hide and wait for Survivor, there is plenty place where you can hide, trust me![/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]But never wait too much or your time, untill your food reach a safe zone, will be running low.[/FONT]​

    [FONT=&quot]-As in the other chapter, you'll get new mutations to help you kill your walking food.[/FONT]​

    -When you are the SuperZombie, attack with a group and use your new weapon and armor ability at your advantage. Be aware of the Rocket Launcher!

    The end of Chapter 2

    Comments :

    The safe Heaven at the end give you 1000 damage resistance instead of 300 normally, but you can still die or be assassinate, so keep watching when you are in it!

    Even if the zombies are weak, you need a double bash to kill them, so use your weapons instead! A double bash means that you are pretty sure to be hit at least one time, and one time is 1/3 of your life!

    The gametype is set to 1 zombie at start, but this is set for a maximum of 4-6 players, if you have a larger group, add more zombies, maybe 1 for each 4-5 humans.

    Great thanks to all my testers :
    x iWaRShAdE
    x M4SS4Cr3 x Qc
    x iWaRKiLLeR
    PEPSI 313 LCI
    c14 ans et moin
    x iWaRDeMoN
    mimi 0014
    x iWaREcHoEs

    Special thanks to :
    x iWaRShAdE who helped me making the map.

    The other(s) Chapter:

    Chapter 1: The Outbreak
    #1 tyggerr, May 2, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  2. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    cool. like other people said, i love how you implanted switches and mechanics into your maps, even infection campaigns. great idea, good job with the mutations, and good design. i actually have tried to do this my self in halo 3, but i could never figure out how to fairly make the mutations work. i will definitely dl and even see if i could get the host to play this next TGIF. oh and if you ever do tests for future chapters, tell me, because depending on the day, i might be able to help. weekends would be best.
  3. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Like D3ATH EYE, I am also free for testing on the weekends. CosmicJosh is my gamertag, so send me a game invite!

    I won't be able to check these out til' Sunday, but I spent at least 6 games of Infection on your last map. If it's even only half as good, it still beats most infection mini-games! :)

    From what I can see in the pictures, the map looks cleaner then the other one. Good job!
  4. tyggerr

    tyggerr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks guys :D . I'll propably send you an invite Sunday if you want to test the Chapter 3. I've worked hard to make a switch that activate AFTER 3 minutes and I'm pretty proud of it.
  5. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    ok, also do you mind if i have two guests??? wait, that gives me an idea. how about we setup a big custom games lobby, sorta like our own little TGIF. we post it on FH forums, and send invites to whoever wants to join. also, tell your friends, because we will be trying to fill up all the slots. next, we play all your chapters, and play lots of minigames and crap!!! yeah if u like the idea, send me a PM on FH, or just post it here and i can post the announcement. =) oh, and XBL GT: darknessdays6.
    #5 D3ATH EYE, May 3, 2011
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  6. tyggerr

    tyggerr Forerunner

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    Yeah, that would be cool =D .That's a great idea that you had ! Can't we just create a TGIF lobby? Well, I'll let you do the announcement. I'll just have to redo my Chapter 4 since I don't really like it xD, I should be ready this Friday. And bring your guests, more people, more fun !
    #6 tyggerr, May 4, 2011
    Last edited: May 4, 2011

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