Terraria discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, May 1, 2011.

  1. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Did I stutter *****? ;P
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I did say the equivalent engine to the 2D engine in 3D, if crysis was in 2D, you do realize how much smoother it would run? That **** would run on a granny computer.

    Obviously, you're just stating the obvious there and if you're suggesting the ideas aren't good then you're mistaken. I've added an informational video, it's laughably long but you will get the gist of the game.

    CTF hasn't been added but they have said it is being added, TD and D is already on.

    Some of the best games are in 2D, classic arcade games, LBP, I really cannot believe people can be this stubborn about 2D vs 3D.

    Edited by merge:

    This ^. How can you not have played/heard worms before? I've literally lost all respect for your opinions now.
    #22 B3NW, May 2, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    So you're saying Crysis would be a better game because if it were able to run on older computers. You're not directly saying it, but surely you see the stupidity of that statement. It also would be a vastly different experience, one I'm not sure would be beneficial.

    I'm saying in general, some ideas can be pretty stupid.

    I never said 2D games weren't good. I said some concepts work best in a 3D perspective. I think most platformers work best in 2D and I played a really fun one last night called Outlands. I also played Shadow of the Collosus, which requires a lot of platforming, and that game wouldn't have been as great as it is if it had been made in 2D.

    Well, hmm because I haven't? It's ok, I didn't much respect your opinions either. Oh yeah, you're cutscene boy. I nearly completely forgot, why am I discussing anything with you. You're a moron. Not an insult if it's a reflection of your personality, which it is, sorry bud.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Worms, it's roughly on a par with stuff like Lemmings, even original GTA in terms of classic games that pretty much everyone knows about.

    Tbh I would have said the same as Ben, though it would have been in jest. Whether his comment was or not is debatable, but yeah, genuinely wow.

    EDIT: Oh, and seeing as you'll never have played it. Play Worms. Now. Seriously, it's awesome.
    #24 Pegasi, May 2, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Not what I said, the discussion here is the 2D engine being more powerful gameplay wise than the 3D engine.

    I agree, some games work better in a 3D engine, I just think for a game like this a 2D perspective is more beneficial than a 3D engine and as such the gameplay can be concentrated on and not the optimization.

    Lovely to know your opinion of me, but I'm going to put this out for you.. I couldn't give a flying **** of your opinion of me, but obviously you do care about my opinion of you, otherwise you would have realized the tone was a joke.

    It was in jest, I tried making that clear as possible but obviously someone took it to heart.
  6. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    It looks pretty good, but:

    Is it a PC indie game or something else? If it's an xbox indie game, Imma stop following this thread pretty much now.

    EDIT: I missed the website link. Depending on how much this will cost, i might get it. It's obviously going to be easier to run than Minecraft, and might over a little more content as Minecraft is now, but I don't think it's going to pull me away from Minecraft, TBH.

    However, when i first found Minecraft, I called it a piece of ****.
    So I'm not going to judge before properly checking it out.
    #26 Neoshadow, May 2, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    It's a pc indie game, they have said if there is enough demand they will port it to the iOS and xbox indie game.
  8. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    So sad I almost cried ):
  9. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    I'm strongly against Minecraft clones, but this really doesn't look like a Minecraft clone, it's got enough to make it different (unlike Fortresscraft). If it's nice and cheap I'll get it, I first saw it from a Minecraft clan I'm in and they'll be starting another branch in the Terraria forums.
    #29 Em0srawk, May 4, 2011
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  10. Sixpakvb

    Sixpakvb Ancient
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    I really don't understand why people are calling this a Minecraft clone. The only real things the two games have in common are the ability to place and destroy blocks, something games before Minecraft had. People called Minecraft an Infiniminer ripoff, but they're completely different games. Terraria has a much wider variety of weapons, tools, armor, and enemies. There are also boss fights you can summon and world events (So far there are meteorites that leave behind rare ores and goblin invasions that spawn goblins on far sides of the world that travel throughout the world to find you.). Armors don't just protect you, they give you bonuses that fit with your playstyle. Parts of the Meteorite armor cause you to give off light around you as you move around, reduce the amount of mana you use, and cause you to regenerate mana faster. Weapons are also much more interesting once you get to the higher tiers. For instance, there's a sword that calls down stars from the sky to hit enemies, a gun that shoots the falling stars you find at night, and a magic missile that follows your mouse around. The game has a lot of potential and already has a lot of content. Content is also being added at a rapid rate, 60 items were added in just the week after the trailer was released. People should really give this game more of a chance before jumping to conclusions.
  11. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I've pretty much decided to buy the game now, but how soon I get it is how expensive it is. When is it released?
  12. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    No prices have been hinted, but I think they said between now and something like the 17th of july is the release. It wont be more than £15 tops my guess neo.
  13. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I hope not. Considering the 2d and graphical style, it will hopefully run on my computer without attempting to set it on fire like Minecraft does.

    I'm slowly expanding my list of Indie Titles I own, and every single one of them is similar to Minecraft. I see a trend.

    But in seriousness, it looks fantastic. I like the 2d style and the graphics are similar to Braids, which were great. The gameplay looks really good too.
  14. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Sorry to burst your guys' bubble but I'm pretty sure it's been said by the developers that it will cost more than Minecraft lol, sorry. Then again I could be wrong.
  15. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    If it's really more than minecraft, i'll be surprised. Of course, linking us to this piece of info would sure be helpful.
  16. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    I found something in the forums about pricing:
  17. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I believe that is just speculation to stop people asking, but don't hold me on that.
  18. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    If that's the case, Imma buy it. But I won't pay over 15 euro for it.
  19. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    Tis' been announced that Terraria is going to be released on the 16th for $9.99 ^-^
  20. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Nice, not a bad price!

    Only problem is.. I have exams ALL NEXT WEEK fuuuuu-!

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