After playing around with my first (and second) invasion setups yesterday, I realized that it seems you need a custom invasion game tailored to the map for invasion to really work. Is that accurate? If correct, I think Bungie screwed the pooch a little bit on how invasion is done - you really should be able to build the phase objectives into the map rather than having the gametype determine them. I'm trying to figure out now if I want to use a fileshare slot hosting an invasion gametype that is only slightly different from the default, or just include in the map thread that the phases need to be X, Y and Z. Also, if I want to say that my map "supports invasion," should I have an obj flag spawn for each phase, just in case people want to run it that way? Right now I have the standard territories/assault/core structure, so phase 1 doesn't have a flag spawn point.
I would just make a map that is playable with a shipped and custom gametype. The shipped gametype doesn't have to be invasion. It could be like territories or CTF. Then you would have your invasion map that is also playable without a custom gametype
Already did that actually, it's compatible with all standard gametypes. I just want to make sure invasion is going to work too (or work as much as it's supposed to work). [br][/br]Edited by merge: I think what I might do is just set up a phase 1 flag spawn, because that's the only thing it's missing. Since phases 2 and 3 are assault and core, there's already a flag spawn and an objective location. It would be a little weird as territories, territories, flag though, since the "territories" for phase 2 are tiny little capture plates. But I guess it would work somewhat the same way. I think when I release it I'll put in an optional DL link for the invasion gametype. It will give me a chance to tailor the loadouts a little bit.