One of my favorite things to do in Forge is build catapults. things that use sheer force to just propel your character to superb heights and distances. So far, my favorite catapult is something called "Pinball Wizard." Using one of the sand ledges in Sandtrap, I constructed a device that propels a radio antenna straight into your back, pushing you along the sand hills. When this first worked, I got really excited. I began to expand this concept by using the small ramp on Last Resort that leads up about a foot to the bridge. I used this to give my character height in addition to this horizontal force. It worked. So now I have this great pinball mechanism, but I can't figure out what to do with it. Another of my favorite catapults has a radio antenna submerged in 16 fusion coils and some propane tanks. This shoots it (usually) straight upwards. If someone is standing on top of it, you reach incredible heights. Finally, I have one in its development stage that is similar to the Warthog Catapult in that it uses a slanted antenna and explosives. However, this one (attempts to) directs the explosive force down onto the higher end of the antenna, propelling the other end up with mighty force. The problem with this one is that, well, it doesn't work yet. So have you made any nifty catapults? Would you like to see mine?
I love catapults too. I tried an idea like yours but instead of using an explosion I had sombody drop a container on the other end. MAybe we could work up a contraption to do that. Also you could make a makeshift crate out of reiciever nodes and place the explosions in that. PM me with your gamertag. I'de like to get together sometime after the new years.
Ah, I never thought of that. And yes, I will be sending the Private Message with my tag of the gamer.
Ever since I was a young boy, I played the silver ball... Yeah catapults amuse me too. The famous catapult on Sandtrap I've modified a number of ways to make a ghost hit the ceiling barrier, and fall past the OTHER SIDE elephant. If there was no invisible wall there I am confident it would make it past the big towers surrounding the map. I also made it launch bubble shields almost straight up, so they eventually came down.
does anyone have a link to the best current catapult, I saw hte first one and it wasn't any good has anyone improved it?
I could see the warthog on working if you do it right [o o] (hog) l l (You) l X V 0==========[] (antenna) [][][] (boxes) X--X (teleporter holding boxes up) -----------------------------(ground of Valhalla or Sandtrap) You could make a thing of floating boxes and then balance an antenna on it, then place a spawn point on one end, and then a floating hog on the other end. You will spawn, the hog will fall from the sky, hit the antenna, propelling you to the sky. Try that =p
Fbu, haven't you seen the catapult map? [l l] (Drop Pods) l (Warthog) l xxxx l o o V 0==========[] (antenna) X--X--X--X--X--X--X (Lots of random teleporters to keep everything in line)