A dual forge by IR IE ID X III and silk doom. Longer is a hyper accurate remake of the classic Halo CE map Longest. The map is to scale and all dimensions are kept as accurate as possible. Weapon spawns remain vanilla for the most part with the exception of two mirrored DMR spawns (one each in both red and blue base) as well as one centrally located grenade launcher which replaces the overcoat. Grenade count on map has also been reduced to reflect current grenade carry capacity. This map features two working ladders that send a player up to shotgun spawn. The map is perfectly symmetrical and very polished. A small budget of $1500+ remains for any additions players may want to make. Gallery: Overview of the central area. Grenade Launcher spawns in the center up top and fusion coils spawn near the opening below. One of the bunkers on blue side looking down the hall toward red base. Grenades spawn in the bunker. A view of blue team's shotgun room with working ladder. Pistol spawns in the bunker below. The room opposite shotgun room. Plasma repeater spawns in the center of the room. And last but not least blue team spawn. Assault rifle spawns inside against the pillar. Plasma grenades spawn behind the large cover in the center of the room. Thank you very much for your interest in our map.
This remake looks fantastic! You have my DL. I'm glad to see the addition of the grenade launcher, as it's now my favorite weapon.
Thank you very much Randy. We both worked really hard on this map and I'm glad to see that it wasn't for nothing.
Very nice looking. Gave it a DL and noticed a couple of things though. You have a good bit of lag in most of the map. I thing it is a combination of the lights and the larger pices phased together. I like the way you did your pits, very acurate to the original. Better than the way I did mine. The ceiling on the upper platforms seems a littl low because when you jump your hitting your head a bit. the ramp seemed a bit steeper and shorter. I liked the way you trimed the ladder but I chose to raise the first one way shield so you would have to jump before the ladder would lift you. That way to me if you didn't want to go up by just walking by. The other thing I noticed was I don't believe you have your hills and flags set correctly. You placed them but didn't tell them what they were. Did you go into each game to place them or did you place them in Basic editing. You have to go into each game variant to set hills and flag and capture plates so they will do what they are suppose to. Same with your resawn zones, you need to assign them to the team for which spawn they are. You have them both to neutral. Good looking map though. Check out mine if you'd like to compare. Longerest. Hope that's not considered spam.
Thank you whoelz I appreciate your feed back. I'll make sure I look into the issues you had but I'll go ahead and address them, from memory, right now as well. As for the lag, I hadn't noticed this but I'll make sure to look into it. I'll go ahead and do some more play tests on it and ask about the lag specifically. "The ceiling on the upper platforms seems a littl low because when you jump your hitting your head a bit." As far as I know this is accurate to the way Longest was in Halo CE. While forging I had my friend IR IE ID X III flipping back and forth between his 360 and his XBox with Halo CE in it telling me the dimensions. I can say for sure they weren't like that because I haven't seen them in CE recently but from what he says they are at the accurate height. "the ramp seemed a bit steeper and shorter." I'm not sure what ramp your talking about but I can only say what I said before. Red did the dimension. "I chose to raise the first one way shield so you would have to jump before the ladder would lift you." This is something that I had considered doing but ultimately decided against. After play testing, no body had a problem getting pulled up the ladder accidentally while passing by. I personally feel like the one way shields are shallow enough that you really have to be up against the wall for them to react. I do think that having the ladder set in the way you do is a smart Idea though. "I don't believe you have your hills and flags set correctly." I'm certain you're correct. I didn't actually do anything with the hills and flags to set them up for the game types just because I wanted to put the map up on forge hub to see what everyone thought of it. I made sure to only list in slayer game types in the OP. "Same with your resawn zones," I did not know, however, that these were not set up correctly. I'll make sure to fix that.