YouTube - The Breakfast Machine (Minecraft Machinima) Just a video i made that machinima decided not to upload. (For reasons unknown.) So, i uploaded it to my channel! I would greatly appreciate it it you like and favorite the video and subscribe if you haven't already. Thanks guys!
Probably because you're poaching their user-base by asking the people to subscribe to your youtube channel. I did like the video though, very nice editing.
You mean, me trying to become successful on my own channel like every other director is bad? A lot of others do the same and get away with it so thats not why machinima didn't post it. Also, thanks Sarge!
I didn't say it was bad, just from their perspective it would be frowned upon. They are operating on the free labor of others (until contracted that is) and want to keep it as long as possible. Certain directors may be given leeway for certain reasons, and videos may be vastly ignored when submitted aside from a general perusal to make sure it doesn't break any of their (or Youtube's) rules. Just a theory on why they didn't upload it. Could've just been a mistake.
Well, its not really free labor since they pay me . I'll end up sending it to them again and seeing how that goes.