
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by x SDIVI x, May 1, 2011.

  1. x SDIVI x

    x SDIVI x Forerunner

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    Hey everyone, Im new here and i wanted the post this for awhile but never had the time to.

    This map is Artifact, it is a very large map that has a split level battle zone. It is divided into four zones. The red zone, lower zone, blue zone, and higher zone. The map has two bridges (Yes one bridge is a Montana-Alaska Bridge sheesh) and the other is to an higher proportion of the Canyon. The map is for Big team Battles and when tested everyone liked it alot. Now onto the pics [​IMG]

    Red Bridge

    Red Base Lower

    Red Base Upper

    Blue Bridge

    Blue Base Lower

    Blue Base Upper

    Lower Zone (Canyon)

    Cliff Base

    Cliff Tower


    Enjoy! (Thanks for everyone who helped test this)
    #1 x SDIVI x, May 1, 2011
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  2. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to forgehub! I like how you used the grid as a shield and how you made it look like a generator. I also like how you have many different levels to your map. But there are a few things you can improve on. In your first picture the coliseum wall at the top right of the picture looks like a clumsy way to block off the map, and it looks like you can still get around it. You may want to consider adding a more pleasant looking barrier. It also looks like there is not a lot of cover. This may be a problem if everyone has DMRs. It looks like if you are on the bottom you will be slaughtered by the people at the top because of lack of cover. Overall this is a nice first post, and I hope you keep making maps.

    P.S. You may also want to include a vehicle and weapon list so we can know what is all on the map without downloading it.
  3. x SDIVI x

    x SDIVI x Forerunner

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    Thanks for the advice! As for the wall, I was trying to find a object high enough to reach the grids. The collosium walls were a good fit, though if I make an update on the map, there will be a change. Most of the battle is at the top and the bottom acts like a vehicle wasteland.The only true reason to go to the bottom would to be to grab the plasma launcher. I will be sure to edit to make the lists when i get the chance. The cover is an issue ive realized because I tested with AR and Magums. This also explains why i have presicion weapons scattered around the map. The update will try to add more cover, although there is still plenty at the top. Thanks for the ideas and problems. Will get to them soon. Thanks!

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