Air Raid

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by JohnnyRadman, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. JohnnyRadman

    JohnnyRadman Forerunner

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    'Ello there chaps. This is my first actual submission, and hopefully one that will be well received.

    This is a slayer map, and slayer gametype, with a twist. Instead of the normal shoot-the-enemy-type-guy-in-the-face-with-lots'o-lead-crotch-kicking-action, I tried to focus more on air combat and having the battle being decided through air supremacy.

    The map has an aircraft carrier with 8 banshees, 3 falcons, 4 shade turrets, and 2 gauss wart hogs. These fly over a reef to the island Paradiso is on, where I made a base with AA defenses: 4 scorpion turrets, 4 rocket wart hogs, 4 machine gun turrets, and 4 falcons. Ideally 16 people play with the game type, but that isn't really necessary. I kept insta kill zones to a minimum, since I wanted to give as much space for dog fights as a I could. The only place with a kill zone on it is the rock wall right next to the air craft carrier, which forces people to brave the scorpion turrets for a few seconds before they can get to cover.

    The game type is simple: it sets the time to 10 minutes, gives everyone plasma pistols, human pistols, sets points to win to 100, puts everyone on teams, and sets the radar to maximum range (which I worry may be a mistake, considering the advantage the AA base has, but I haven't been able to test it with maximum people yet, so we'll see how it works out). All in all its just some simple changes to suit the occasion, making people play as intended.

    Image I used for the thumb nail. Best over view shot.

    Another side shot.

    The Anti-Aircraft installation

    Base, top view.

    Aircraft Carrier. It ain't too pretty, but you're probably going to be too busy dodging incoming tank fire to care about how pretty your boat is. Ideally, at least. :p

    Aircraft Carrier, top view. I only now noticed that I missed a bit of the bow. Oops.

    Aircraft carrier, front view. It still doesn't look very pretty, but hey, at least its unsinkable. :D

    Warning: being hit by rockets will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your test report. Which will result in death.

    Constant vigilance is required to keep the raiders at bay.

    Not a half bad shot, considering the distance. Remember kids, if you have heavy artillery pounding onto the deck of your ship, RUN (or fly, whatever the case may be).

    This is not exactly a mario party like game. Generally, my maps (or at least the ones I make but don't release, or conceptualize but never build) have a specific layout and a specific gametype to go with it. I'm trying to take the regular Halo and do something fresh feeling with it, so hopefully you can get a feeling of that in the map and its partnered game type.

    Now, this is my first post, so I might have done a few things wrong. So if I did; hate the sin, not the sinner. Love the sinner. Or pity him. Just don't hate him.
    #1 JohnnyRadman, Apr 29, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2011
  2. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Nice map idea you have here! It was hard to see it, but are there two big boats and a turret heaven in the middle? Or, does one team get Banshees and the other is not so lucky?

    Random question: You a Christian, bro?
  3. JohnnyRadman

    JohnnyRadman Forerunner

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    One team gets banshees, because they are bombing the turrets. The guys with the turrets get Falcons, because they are anti-personnel, and if they somehow make it past the hordes of banshees and the AA stuff on the aircraft carrier, they can raid and kill the guys on the carrier.

    The teams are supposed to play differently, so I tried to use aircraft suited for the occasion. One bombs to destroy, the other tries to repel and out last. I didn't see the harm of giving the guys on the base some air power, but I intentionally made it much weaker than that of the aircraft carrier. You could really only launch those falcons if they are being covered by the tanks, which means the falcons would have to be in plain view, and therefore within view of the AA on the aircraft carrier. It also opens up the tanks to suprise attack if they are not paying attention to their radar.

    No sir, I am not a christian. Is there some sort of christian symbol I unknowningly used?
  4. bob4010

    bob4010 Ancient

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    looks like a fun map, do you have an budget left? cause if you think the people getting in the turrets would be op'd with radar why not put a custom power up that reduces radar?
  5. JohnnyRadman

    JohnnyRadman Forerunner

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    I could just lower the radar range in the gametype, which would be easy. I'm just not sure about it, since I haven't had the oppurtunity to test it with the designed 16 people. I theorized that the Banshees' numbers, with coordination of course, could over come the bases defenses even if everyone had forewarning. But I'm not too sure of that now. The only way to find out would be to play, which I have yet to do. :p

    If I remember correctly, I think I had about 40 budget left, but I'm not too sure.

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