This was a map that I was making to enter into the November Bungie Competion. It was going to be a Capture the Flag entry but I didn't finish getting everything together and was too late for it. Have played some matches on it and it is a fun map to play. Slayer, Oddball, and Headhunter lead to some good action. Rocket and Sniper are set opposite corners from bases, one at each corner. Shotty is at bottom of map closes to water. The center structure is divided into 3 sections with the very middle having 2 coves that you can drop into to escape to the lower deck on the water. To get into the center from below quickly there are one way transports at the top of the ramps that bring you back into the action. The top has a soft kill that covers it to keep you from just staying there picking off poeple. You can still jet-pack but you just can't land on it. Safe zone extends a short ways out from the base for jet-packing but don't try to make it to land. This was a first design of a competetive map that I had tried. [bungievid]10901442[/bungievid]
You shouldn't spam on these forums -.- Personally, I think this map has a long way to go before you can call it a true competitive map. It seems to be nothing more than a few pre-made structures with long walkways surrounding them. Players enjoy having the freedom to move around; it allows for strafing, prevents players from being trapped by enemies, and just all-around improves the quality of a map. When you have this many long, boring walkways, you strictly limit the player's freedom of movement. While it might not seem important, this really lowers the overall quality of a map. You also seem to have this mentality of "I should make a series of rooms, and have them all connect somehow." This is a common newbie mistake, you should try to have a map based more on locations that flow into each other rather than rooms that have specific walkways and doors meant to take you from one to another. Try redoing this map from scratch with the above tips, and see if it helps you improve. Another bit of advice would be to test your map. Do you think your map is finished? Well, it's not. No map can ever be truly "finished", it can only be improved on to an extant decided by how much time a player is willing to put into it. I sincerely hope you take this criticism to heart and use it to improve. If you're the type of person who gets offended by people who don't think your map is perfect, then you can never really improve. Cheers.
I kind of have to agree with HarisSales1996. He has a point about the walkways. It makes things tight and easy kill zones. The center building is tight and very easy for camping zones especially with the shotgun. It just seems too tight and not that creative. I am not trying to offend you in any way and I just believe you need some improvement on your map before you post it again. Maybe you can look at other maps and get an idea of what players like. It helped me out a bit.
I'd have to say those are the answers I was expecting. After reading what yall had to say I see what you mean and when I put the long walkways I added the braces so close to help from being such a sitting duck while moving around them. I never looked at the center rooms that way until you explained it but now I see what you mean by just rooms hooked together and making you go a certain direction. I debated wheather to put it in competitive or casual and now see it maybe should have been in the latter. Thank you Sir, may I have another!
Well I don't have anything to say about the structure that wasn't already covered. Everything is aesthetically pleasing however and I like the look of the map. I just wanted to mention that there is a problem with the soft kill boundary on top of the "tunnel large." It doesn't extend all the way back and the kill boundary on top, which is fine, doesn't extend down past the roof. There is a small pocket of safe area between the two kill boundaries where a player can stay alive while on top of the "tunnel large." Not sure if this is by design it's just something that I noticed that seemed like it wasn't meant to be.