Epic moment: Everyone: "Awwwww we're black screen..." Me: "Ok guys, after we come out of blackscreen, I'm pickin' up this sniper, 360in', and no-scopin' this kid." * Comes out of black screen * Picks up sniper, turns around, jumps, pulls off epic no-scope on Arctic Hunter. Me and Hydro (who's sitting next to me): OOHHHHH! Hahahaha OMG! I may have yelled a bit loud, but it was funny. Anyways, great games on here in our unofficial TGIF, though I still hate ghosts... Heh, but yeah, great job, Duck. Still needz mah DMR on mah ridge tho! llol
Bro there is a dmr on the ridge building. Is was in that area the whole game. I remember someone on my team saying "Berb watch out! Shotgun coming up the lift!" I believe I camped that lift for ten seconds until duck came up with a full shotgun... I beat him...
Great map Psycho.The gameplay was great for both invasion and CTF (and slayer). And it looked great to boot. For Invasion, remember to give the Elites on one grenade on the first phase, and maybe even the second. I'm sure it would make the skirmishes last a little longer, since I'm pretty sure almost every kill on the Elites side was from Plasma Grenades. Also, I would suggest trying at least one game where you have the flags switched around on One Flag. I think that longer base would be a nice defending base, since it can be easy to defend, but at the same time the fact that its open will make the attacking team have to work together to get the flag out.
4-Flag was awesome, and I liked the changes you made, I was really suprised with the man-cannons and walkway up above, it gave the map a little more height variation. I like it.
I think 4 flag was the best thing ever. I think I know what Ill do to balance Invasion better, but Ill definitely reduce starting grenades for the dirty dinos as well. I'll try reversing the bases for one flag, but again the rest of the map is designed for red team to be defending. I'm not adding a DMR on Erupt's ridge as there are other DMRs nearby. I'm not really sure what else needs to be done, this played really well on Friday. Besides, Im on vacation! I'll worry about that when I get back.
Speaking of which, you should make a remake of the Mass Effect 2 version, Psychoduck. You're pretty much the master of Invasion maps at this point, so I'd say go for it. This is a very creative map. I've never seen maps made for 4-Flag before, but this is a first and it looks like it might play decently. My only concern is that the 2 smaller bases (Orange and Green) look extremely small and seems like they could be easily overpowered by the other 2 teams thanks to their giant bases and the fact that they have vehicles. Have you done anything to balance this out, or is it not a problem to begin with? My favorite part about this map is that it uses almost all of Tempest instead of a few select spots and then walling in the entire map or making the entire map floating. I'll be looking forward to your future Invasion maps. Also, do you plan on putting this in your File Share anytime soon? I'd like to play it sometime or at least take a look through it, but if you can't do that, then I'd at least like to add you and get in some customs on this.
Something inspired by Mass Effect 2's Illium would be interesting, MAYBE I'll try it sometime. As far as flag goes, the map was designed more for one-flag, it just happens to work well for 4-flag because there's four bases. It's not perfectly balanced but it still works extremely well. Red and blue team may have vehicles, but Orange team get rockets and height advantage and green get a sniper and a fairly defendable base. I'm not putting it on my file share until it's 100% finished but you're welcome to add me assuming I have space on my friends list. Also, Im going to see how Invasion works with a rocket hog to give the Spartans a bit more firepower. Elite spawns will be re-worked and the bomb plant points will be moved for easier access. And to all who have been asking me, we will finally play snipers on here and Cargo Port when I get back, woot!
I could imagine this working better with Multi Flag than 1-Flag, but whatever. You're the one who has played it, anyways. I completely understand that you'd want to be finished with a map before releasing it, so I'll wait. Off-Topic: Why is it that you find that map Frontier so amazing? I'm curious, that's all. It seems like a generic and plain BTB map to me, but I think there might be more to it than that.
I don't find Frontier amazing, I co-forged it with my friend, and by his standards it was very good. Hell, its a great map. There's not a whole lot of stuff on it, but thats ok. It takes everything that was great about hemorrhage and makes it friendly to infantry as well as vehicles. It's not some amazing feature-worthy marvel, but it is a great standard big team map. You've got me thinking about making a map inspired by Mass Effect 2's Illium by the way. Ok, now I've gone off-topic in my own thread. Oh well, there won't be a whole lot more to say about Illium until I can do some more work on it.
You know it was. And Psycho, I can camp all I want, even if we were offense on One-Flag. My sniping skills in that game might have been my best ever. (lol, jk)
I gotta get another 6v6 going on here. Invasion's going WAY better now, Team Slayer and Four-Flag are almost perfect. Right now my focus is on CTF, Assault, Territories, and Invasion. I'll have some more screenshots soon.
I actually really wanna play this map again. I didn't play the invasion variant last time I played on it
Anyways... getting tests on here is difficult. I can get one in every few days, but not in the volume I want in order to perfect the map. So, if you have the Noble maps and wanna help test, please post your GT here. If you don't have the mappack, buy it. It is, in my opinion, better than any of the mappacks released in halo 3.