I have noticed that there is a lot of "glitches" in forgeworld such as areas out of bounds, and some where you get some extra pieces to build with. Is it considered "cheating" to use these in a map? Or is it ok to use them to build an original awesome map? What do you guys think?
It is fine. Back in halo 3 we used ghost merging and that is a glitch. Just don't use mods and you'll be fine.
Cluck's right. Most good h3 maps used glitching. In reach Toy Multiplying glitch: good Out of the map (ex: water): good I don't know many glitches lol 100 walls or some crazy amount of any structure = mod => very bad
ok, that sounds pretty fair. I'm currently building a "shark tank" infection map out of forge worlds bounderies where you can stand/walk/drive on the bottom of the ocean. and I found a glitch where I got 237 colluseum walls, but if I use them in a map I might not post it on fh in that case
from what i understand, you place all of the objectives on the map where you want the walls, then you get the map files from your xbox to your pc then you change all of the ocdes of the objectives to a wall coleseum code. this mods. and is not allowed. ever. btw that explanation is very vague
yeah I know its a mod but I will not post the maps with those walls on fh. still its fun to use them and build some huge maps.