This is a Puzzle/Jumping map, more on the jumping side, there are two spots where you could die, and there is no checkpoints. I made the maps so you can do it by your self, or with a whole party full of people, you don't NEED the game type, but if your playing with more then one person I made it so you can't kill people, kinda nice with a large group of ppl, no? Short story: After the client/s of this organization became... restless?... the doctors evacuated the building and tried to lock it down, But there was a malfunction?... most paths are closed off and you haven't had any thing to eat in a long time, and two unlucky doctors locked themselves in the lounge. Does revenge sound appetizing? I took all the pics in forge to show spawns and kill zones. spawning room second room, hidden shot gun? I don't think I need to describe every part, so i'll say this, if it's there, you will most likely need it. Yes, it's a rock slide to a rock wall, but you'll have evade to help you out. basic Evade jump, to warm you up. plz now, the custom is guarded by a mine filed, it's NOT NEEDED TO BEAT THE MAP, but might help you out. lots of kill-zones here, health packs are your friends. The ending room, a nice... hot meal ready for you. I'd like to say, my forging is better them my photography, so plz check out then map then comment =].
I like it. I give it a DL and test it tom. Looks nice though. I kinda reminds me of the whole PORTAL game idea. cool.
this map looks great but i dont like how u can die in the middle. In my opinion a puzzle map should take a lot of thought into completing it. when u can die it turns more into an obatacle course but i will download cause this sure looks a hell a lot of fun
Hey this map looks pretty cool. I just recently started getting more interested in puzzles on Reach and I released mine a few weeks ago. I'll DL it and give it a go. I like these kinds of puzzles where theres also obstacles as well.