Hey guys whats up? I just asking if you guys know of or have any high quality big team slayer/CTF maps. I only have a couple and I really want more for the next time I host TGIF. Squad battle (6v6) maps will do fine as well. So if you have any, just put the name of the map below or even better post the link
Emollitus Powerplant this is a BTB map I made a while ago, Im working on a v2 but this map is still pretty good.
I'm currently finishing an urban BTB map configured for all gametypes (even invasion). I also need to get some tests in on it. If you'd like to run it and either invite me, or send me feedback on how it plays (or hell just the game video) that would be awesome. There's a map preview thread here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/124673-forerunner-city.html It's meant for mostly street combat but you can go inside of a couple buildings and on top of a couple of others. Should be spacious enough for sniping and vehicles as well (map default set = 2 hogs, 1 revenant, 1 ghost, 2 mongooses). The map's not shared yet but if you're interested let me know, I'd be glad to pass it along to you. All it needs is a full test - I've already set everything up and confirmed that all gametypes appear to be working.
I got one but have not posted it yet cause it needs some more testing and minor fixes. It is basically hemerage but i made it a lil better. Here is the download :Garrison Some pics i just took: Spoiler