Terraria discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, May 1, 2011.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint.
    Grab your tools and go! You can do many things in Terraria: make weapons and fight off a variety of enemies in numerous biomes, dig deep underground to find accessories, money, and other useful things, gather wood, stone, ores, and other resources to create everything you need to make the world your own and defend it. Build a house, a fort, even a castle, and people will move in to live there and perhaps even sell you different wares to assist you on your journey. But beware, there are even more challenges awaiting you... Are you up to the task?

    I'm looking really forward to this games release, I think the gameplay will be more fun than Minecraft was and will be less buggy (It's been developed in a much shorter time too). I'll be sure to bump this thread when the game is released if it doesn't stay active. :p
    #1 B3NW, May 1, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I really don't see the appeal of this game. Even watching the yogscast play it was boring.
  3. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Gotta admit, the yogcast LP of it was kinda shitty, the PaperBag LP is the best I've watched, it shows some really fun aspects of the game.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I don't see why exactly it would be more fun since you do the same things, but in a different perspective. Terraria looks like it will offer more, well more what exactly? This is kind of the problem I have with Minecraft, Fortresscraft, and now this game. It doesn't have a clear direction or purpose. Sure, people say you must use your imagination and make fun for yourself, but I don't buy that. It takes plenty of imagination to play through Portal and a lot of puzzles games.

    I've been playing Ace of Spades and pretty much everything about the game is simpler. It has a smaller pallete of blockes, there's no crafting at all, and the goal is simple. Kill the other team and gather their intel. Building and mining becomes more practical, more efficient, and strategical.

    Mind, I'm not saying that Minecraft and it's followers should have a clear combative goal, but it does become arbitrary when I have to rationalize the amount of time I've spent playing versus how grand, weird, or artistic the structures I make. The meaningful play in Minecraft oddly isn't within the game iteslf, it presents itself through community where players show off what they've made and share their experiences in a constant need to 'one-up' each other.

    The game has a good short term goal, which is surviving the night. I just think it could do with a long term goal as well. Maybe something non-combative like killing a boss, but it could be winning over a princess by building a castle and collecting diamonds. That's somewhat tedious though.

    Also, of course the game should have a shorter development time. They didn't have to come up with an original concept, they just added more features. They also aren't developing in 3D, which is more challenging. I'm sure the game will have it's share of bugs, but again they've had an easier time by learning from others mistakes.
  5. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Yet another Minecraft clone... Seems they're getting worse and worse as more and more come out... Hell, this one's even in 2D!
  6. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    2D doesn't make this worse at all. It changes it up quite a bit. Some people prefer a third person perspective over a first person one. So yea, quit fan-boying because the game play is pretty much the same.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    If you had watched the video, you would have seen it has a story to it, albeit sandbox, you do certain tasks whenever you want, it's almost RPG like.

    HAHA, if you're expecting a response from me (AKA you're trolling) then you aint gonna get one, but if you honestly believe that, how do you even turn the computer on, let alone type? I don't understand how people can be this small minded, I could quite honestly imagine you walking round smacking a brick on your head when people come up with that sort of response. Also, Minecraft was a clone and if you think about it, every game has an aspect from another game in it. Yes, this is alot like Minecraft, but Minecraft is alot like other games before it.
  8. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I watched every video and there was no story shown. They did mention that you could interact with some NPCs, but there is no long term goal in the game. I wouldn't quite compare it to an RPG, because in RPG's you have character development, story arc, etc.
  9. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah it was bad to liken it to an RPG, but the story is what happens with the world events, you may have watched all the videos in this thread, but you should check out the paperbat LP because that should off most of the world events (Be warned the LP is at about 5 hours+ worth of footage now.

    The long term goal is the same as Minecraft, survival and making your in-game life as easy as possible, but yes, there is no "eng-game" goal.
  10. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    In my opinion, 2D does make it worse. It limits your creativeness to two dimensions, and creativeness is the only reason I play minecraft. From what I've seen of this game so far, you could make a house, yet it couldn't really be "pretty." You're forced to go with only practicality. I get joy out of these block-based creativity/survival games by making buildings that are not only practical, but are amazing because of their architecture and interior designs. So this game doesn't appeal to me and in my opinion it's worse than Minecraft.

    Not trolling, expressing an opinion. Also, I'm not small closed minded (you obviously meant closed... if you didn't, that would've been a useless insult... I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for that, now would I?), as I watched both of the videos you provided and visited the website before posting. And yes, Minecraft was a clone of Infiniminer, and yes every game out there has element(s) of other games in it. However, you cannot deny that because of Minecraft's unforeseen success many other less impressive, lower quality games were spawned. This one included.

    Thus, my opinion is not only just, but completely valid.
  11. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Small minded isn't an insult, it's a description of a mindset, I could call you any other description and you could find it insulting, but others you would not find insulting, therefore a description is not an insult.

    The game has much better entertainment elements than Minecraft and it is coded in a faster language, allowing for even more incredible stuff.
  12. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    Like what? I don't really see what makes this better, simpler yes but I am not sure about better. And the 2D really seems to limit how incredible it can get.
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I think 3D limits minecraft, this picks up on Minecrafts pitfalls.
    Seriously, if you want to talk about Minecraft, take it to the Minecraft thread, this isn't Minecraft and didn't "clone" Minecraft.
  14. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    He does raise a point though. What is superior about 2D over 3D and what is all this incredible stuff you keep referring too? I watched all the videos posted (I'm not going through 5+ hours of LP just to find some insignificant feature that Minecraft doesn't have.)

    What is so limiting about 3D and what are these pitfalls?

    I think it's pretty fair to compare it to Minecraft since it's the closest digital equivalent.

    Also, how exactly does a faster language make the game more incredible? The player can only perform so many inputs...
  15. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Those videos were just......boring. Nothing about them made me excited to play this game. In fact, it made me never want to play it ever. It seems like like they just tried to copy MC and add some new things here and there and make it 2D. Guess its just not my cup of tea.
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    2D engines will run faster than any 3D engine equivalent, allowing for the processing of much more data. If you think about the physics engine on Minecraft compared to this physics engine, it's only possible due to the simplicity of the rendering of the game and the efficiency of the language compared to java.

    By incredible stuff, I mean world events, boss battles etc etc, the game is still in development yet it already trumps Minecrafts fun factor.

    I didn't say it was unfair to compare it to Minecraft, I said it is unfair to call it a clone of Minecraft.

    The first episodes of every LP always are, jump half way through one of the series, you'll see some really good gameplay.
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Ok, so what if it does run faster? That doesn't necessarily equate to a more immersive experience.

    Ok, world events? Such as? Again, I'm not going to sit through 5+ hours just to find this stuff you're talking about.

    It's pretty subjective to say that it bests Minecraft's fun factor when both are open ended experiences.

    I mean, Minecraft has mods like KoTH, CTF, and Deathmatch. These sort of things would really only work in a 3D realm.
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    No but it equates to being able to expand upon ideas on which would be limited by a slow engine, which can eventually lead to better gameplay.

    & you're so wrong about that, worms is a prime example of a TD/D game which was in 2D, and tbh, I'd play that over most FPS games there are out now. Minecraft doesn't natively have the support for them, at current, it's not even meant to support modding, it's a small team which is allowing that, whereas this has CTF and deathmatch and team deathmatch all built in.

    An example of a world event would be meteorites landing, blood moons where zombies have extra strength to break down doors and the spawn rate is cranked up incredibly high. There's also boss battles, corruption areas where basically an infection will spread across the land until something stops it and within those areas new NPC's spawn and the terrain gets changed dramatically.
  19. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Ummmm, you don't necessarily have to expound on ideas if you do well enough job designing the game. Also, there are plenty of 3D engines that are fast enough to allow expansion of ideas.

    Also, expanding on ideas doesn't always lead to better gameplay, especially if they are bad ideas.

    I haven't heard of that game before, but a 2D platform cannot have the range of motion a 3D game has. It simply cannot, because it doesn't have the extra dimension. In a 2D game, one team will always travel one way and the other team the other way.

    So what if it doesn't natively support it. Counterstrike wasn't initially supported by Half-Life, but it became incredibly popular and people loved it.

    Show where it has CTF and yada, yada. It honestly sounds like a retarded concept in a 2D perspective.

    That sounds like some pretty cool stuff. People still are going to be turned off by the 2D perspective though.
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Am I misunderstanding this post, or did you really just say that you've never heard of Worms before?

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