Simple topic, what do you think of this as a practice? I bring it up because I was just booted from a game of Invasion for accidentally killing a teammate who was attempting to steal my sniper rifle. Had he left me alone, things would have been fine, but instead, he decided getting the sniper rifle was important enough to kill a teammate over. Thoughts?
If someone is trying to kill me for my gun, I just jump off the map to piss them off. I absolutely hate when people try to take the weapon I got to first.
Hmm... that's a decent strategy. If I can do it, I may use that in the future. Sadly, in this particular instance, we were in the middle of Spire, so jumping off the level wasn't really a viable option.
Mainly I get bothered off initial spawn on highlands for the sniper so it is pretty easy to hop off quickly.
If you don't get the weapon, and someone else does, move on and pick another strategy. I think it's pretty pathetic to team kill for any reason.
Ah, yes, it would work well there. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who finds this frustrating and annoying. I remember one game, I was close to getting a perfection, when suddenly one of my teammates betrays me for a weapon. It was pretty maddening.
Territories on Hemorrhage. What is it, like 5 rounds? Idk. But I got it the first 3 times and he nades me and chases me everywhere I go. Every time I had a shot, he'd shoot me and I'd go out of my scope. I raped with it anyways. Anyways, the 3rd time he nades me and starts shooting me, so I no scope him in the face. He either decides not to, or doesn't get the option to boot me. I raped with it that round, too. He got it the last round or so and got out-sniped by the other team both times, and I just moseyed on through and picked it up after. So, yeah, I hate it. I have several other instances, one much like Hemamorphy's above perfection incident, but this is the most recent. However, it annoys me the most when they take out your shields with one grenade and then the other team one-shots you, and takes the weapon. And they don't even get a betrayal, deduction, or anything at all!
Welcome to the club. The same happened to me when there were only 7 seconds left or maybe even less. And nao i don't have mai Perfektion! *rages*
I just shoot the weapon he wants in the air and teabag/run in circles. Now that pisses them off. If they do betray me and successfully take my weapon, I just let it go. No reason to stoop to their level. It's irritating, but I can play with lots of weapons.
What I love to do is after they hit me I take down there shields and then let them kill me and boot if it lets me.
This has happened to be multiple times. Once, I got betrayed for the sniper on spire when defending as elites. We went to deny them a core capture. When it was our turn to attack, we blew right through to the core capture phase. Then, I picked up a plasma pistol as my teammate captured. I happened to know that the guy who betrayed me was in a falcon a little was above me so I disabled him. I made sure te falcon landed on me. I died, he got a second betrayal, and I kicked him seconds before the game ended
I hate this. Usually fire off all but one shot then swap it out with some AR or something on the ground. Him scrambling for the weapon usually gives me enough time to get away before he realizes what I did and rage. Though once I have a similar story to that perfection tale. I had 14 kills no deaths and saw our sniper was back (Hemmorage). Little did I know one player had been spending the whole game by the snipe picking it up on each spawn, sucking with the sniper and missing, then waiting for the next one. Well, I grabbed it when he was coming back for it, and he spend the minute left in the game trying to kill me. I had a friend in the game who distracted him while I got my 15th kill and ran like hell. Moral of the story: People who betray for weapons, or actually any reason suck.
You sir, are an epic dude. This reminds me of the time I got pestered for the sniper on Hemorrhage. Each time this poor guy crossed my path and started to shoot me, I no-scoped him quickly and thoroughly. I did this three times without being booted, luckily. Eventually he decided to just blast me with a wraith, and when I got the option to boot, I took it.
Just an observation, but all of the above situations involve the sniper. You never see two people fighting over a team shottie or rocket launcher. Like in asylum, everyone runs for the sniper, even though the shottie and energy sword are probably better suited to the maps small size. In my opinion, this comes down to the snipers long range. It's easy to camp it off for kills, which it would seem are all people care about. Do yourself a favour, get in a warthog next time your in the Gulch. It's much more fun.
Agreed, agreed. I don't see much of it though so that's a good thing. I see alot more when I yoink people