For all the Dr. Who lovers out there. NO SPOLILERS, some people get the episodes later than others, I'm in Australia and I get them 4 episodes late. So if you do, put it in spoiler tags [noparse] Spoiler MESSAGE HERE [/noparse] for those that don't know. Discuss.
For the episode called Cold Blood Spoiler The TARDIS is going to explode causing the cracks in time and space.
I've just watched the episode with Vincent van Gogh, which I personally thought was a brilliant episode. Speculation (based off of what I've seen so far). Spoiler Eventually I think the doctor will go back and change all the things that went wrong. This is based off his musings that "Time can be rewritten" in the second weeping angels episode.
Well I just watched the most recent one. It was brilliant! What I like about this show is that, even though it claims to be aimed at kids, it still has some pretty dark themes. Major Spoiler! Spoiler Like what happened with Rory! It was like "nah, we won't just kill him off. We'll erase him from existence!" OMG, evil bastards... I was a big Tennant fan as well, but I've enjoyed Matt Smith so far. oh, and in response to Noklu: Spoiler Nooooooooooo, Dr Who cannot go back in time in events that he is already a part of. It's a big plot device in the show that prevents such time travel complexities. There was an episode in the first of the revitalised series, with Eccleston and Billie Piper, that had them go back to a moment they had already been in and change it and it caused all kinds of mayhem! Ah ha, Found the specific plot device for you. It is refered to as the Blinovitch Limitation Effect
I feel that the current series is unbelievably predictable. Spoiler Like in "The Pandorica Opens", I completely knew that Spoiler the doctor would be locked in it
@buddha: Aww, I was hoping that that would happen. Didn't know about that problem. HO many seasons/years will Matt Smith be doing? Does anyone know?
I know he's definately doing the Christmas Special, and definately another season - but not quite sure how long after that. For the English people out there, what d'you think of the episode? I always find the Doctor Who finale's amazingly good at "wrapping-up" and didn't think this disappointed at all. Brilliant stuff really, really clever finale.
Dude, you can watch Doctor Who, the episodes that come in Britain, on line. they're like 4 episodes ahead of BBC america. Use OVGuide: Online Video Guide - Watch Free Videos. its very useful. and for good quality, add 'DivX' to your search.
noklu, you've got a LOT in store for the finale. You'll love it as much as I did. Amy Pond = Fit? AND SHE'S SCOTTISH?! Cannot wait for the new series
I think I might buy the series on disc. And then a couple more seasons from Tennant and the guy before him.
Thank god theres a Doctor Who Thread I thought I was the only one on Forgehub. I know that the British get it early but. I watched Doctor Who Every Sunday on Project Free TV - Watch all your favorite tv shows and movies online free. I know you were talking about you being 4 episode behind. This can help you. Also why would you buy the Series Set? That things like 70-80 Dollars. Im not advertising this site. Im just saying if you're having that problem with watching 4 episode behind or if you wanted to buy an entire series set. I would suggest this site that way your not wasting 70 Dollars on Watching Reruns. I miss David, He was the Doctor Period. No one else played like him or even acted. I also like Chris. However, He left in a Serie so. So far, I loved Pandorica. At first it sounded like an Avatar Rip-off.
Dude, I just like Dr. Who so much so that I wouldn't mind forking out the money for it. (But anything over $70 is out of my price range)
EPIC THREAD REVIVAL!!! Have you guys seen the new monster? The Silent. It looks like the freaking Slenderman, and when you look away from it you forget it was even there.
new Doctor sux. Looks absolutely ridiculous. He smirks in every serious scene and over exaggerates the cockiness.
David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston were way better then Matt Smith. I also dislike Matt Smith's accent. And the way he smiles reminds me of Professor Brian Cox who also smiles annoyingly, all of the time.