It's a simple idea/map, but it might be for the better, and your right, too many people do just cut through the middle without the use of the 'U' shape. Good job. And again, Dear2Kill, that's unneeded, there is nothing special about 100 posts, and if you want 100 posts, at least have some kind of worthwhile comment, not just random nothingness.
love can only occur between a man and a woman and it clearly depicts in ur sig that u believe othewise. its offensive to my religion.
Your almighty religion has brainwashed you into believing filthy lies. Love can occur for people of the same sex, and the opposite sex. It is normal for people to be gay, and bi-sexual, not just straight. So for you to say that same sex love is false, is to admit that you only believe the hate spoon fed to you in church, or any other place of worship. I hope someday you will open your eyes to the world around you. Anyway, the map needs to be filled in a bit more
lol! Says the guy with EXACTLY 100 posts (at the time). Anyways, it looks really plain to me. I don't like plain. I like overly complex and incredible maps. I mean c'mon, you cut off the middle? That doesn't deserve a pic (or 3 however many you gave it). As if we don't know what energy blockers are.
This map isn't intended to be a forging masterpiece with a bunch of changes, it was simply to change the flow of the map for what I feel is the better.
first of all we didnt make the map to what u like we made it to what the general population would like ... second of all just check it out befor u rip it
roflcopter if this is going to continue, then take it to off topic, where you can post all you 2 want about religion...lolololol! as for brutus, i feel bad someone -repped you for no good reason... AS FOR THE MAP: i like that you got rid of the middle tunnel, that center structure owns the actual avalanche, and at first i thought all those vehicles was a bit excessive, but thinking more about it, you got a long way to go if you die, so grab a hog/goose/ghost/scorpion/thing and get back into the action 3.5/5 from me ;-)
this map has no impact on me, it looks like it was made in like a half an hour, and is you were just putting things around that you thought were cool. It has absolutely no "WOW Factor" to it.
You clearly haven't played it and are basing your opinion on how it looks. You can't say how a map will be based on pics, you can assume but thats not gonna get you anywhere. Im not gonna lie the map dosn't look unbelievable but the gameplay on it is some of the best i have had in Halo 3. Don't Knock it till you try it.
I really think that the map is good, I hope that there arent to many power weapons though, so that people are almost forced to use the vehicles. And yea, your sig is kind of offensive, and if you thought long and hard you'd know why, 99 percent of people arent gay or ******* (wich is perfectly fine(Sienfeld pun, you know if you watch the show)) I personally am not compaining, but id bet 20 bucks that if someone put a sig on like marrage and then had a gay or ******* couple exed out, that they would get a warning from a moderator, or something.
you may think the map sucks but try it before you knock it i meen after all it did win a award on a popular website how bad can it be