Construct Re-Fit

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by lllROCKlll, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Update: I had accidently set the piece where red team spawns to game specific - true, and it was missing in custom games. I fixed it and have replaced the map in my file share.

    PLEASE READ: This is a re-fit of a remake of Construct by MAEL6996. My playing group and I looked at numerous Construct remakes for me to re-fit one and bring it as close as possible to the scale, look and feel we wanted of the Halo 3 original map to play Classic Slayer.

    Kudos to original map maker MAEL6996 and invite you to look at his original version at : Halo Reach : File Details. His map was chosen because it was the best we found that closely matched the scale, placement and look of the original.

    I am an primarily an Aesthetic map maker and I wanted to rebuild this map so you really felt like you were on Construct. For me, it meant selecting walls, floors, etc. that gave the map a uniform look plus adjusting certain scale dimensions. In particular, I walled in this map to prevent some of the annoying frame rate and lag problems that seem to occur with these Construct remake maps.

    This map is set up for Slayer only. Like I said, I re-fit this map for us to play Classic Slayer. We think it’s the best Construct yet (of course we do) and a great base map for anyone who wants to add more game types.

    Thanks to my group for help in critiquing and testing this map and in particular to dt192 and timmypanic for their critical eye and advice on fine detail choices.

    Here are some Before and After pics
















    #1 lllROCKlll, Apr 30, 2011
    Last edited: May 12, 2011
  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It might play pretty good. Construct is one of my all time favorite maps so I scrutinize any remakes. It is saddening that recreating construct is an impossibility in reach just because if it's size. This could be a good start though
  3. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    if you didn't know there is already a perfect construct remake out there so i think most people will choose that remake over this one :/
  4. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Well rapt, we never ran across that perfect map checking out all the Construct maps on FH so I guess I didn't know that, or anyone in my group or anyone who played on this map already and mistakenly thought it might be the best yet. So, be a sport and give us the link to the perfect map, we'd all like to check it out ourselves. Oh yeah, by the way, if you didn't DL this map and look at it, are you just guessing that it's not better or could it have been like maybe a friend made that perfect map? Ummmm! Anyway, thanks for the worthless comment.
  5. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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  6. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Thanks CamOfo. Hmph... nope, it probably wasn't posted when we looked all the maps over some time ago, but I've DLed the link to take a look. If it's one we think is better, that's great, we want to play on the best map there is, but at the time we didn't see any that we were happy with. - ROCK

    NOTE: OK, we went and looked at this contest winner and it's pretty good alright. It has some nice features in it like purple lifts that go physically go from bottom to top and the side entrance at mid gold and the bottom back hallway on the open purple side is a lot neater. None really make too big a difference in play. On the not so alright side, the scale was off to us, open purple is made smaller than closed plus the top lifts and lobby entrances didn't look right, the bottom purple lifts didn't look right, the shield door set up on the gold lift didn't fit the look and it shot you way too far out of the lift, only 2 power coils on top gold wall and they were sitting on a ledge, the blue wall was too thick and the ledge behind it wasn't right, the hole at mid was too big and we could make the jump from Snipe to in front of the purple walkway.

    But yeah, it was one we looked at before and decided to go with the MAEL6996 map to rebuild instead. The scale looked better to us and overall started out more looking like the original. The contest winner was made back in October and I doubt there were many Constructs made by then. It's a good job for back then but now this re-fit is better, we still think.

    But, don't just take my word for it, go look.

    #6 lllROCKlll, May 1, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011

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