Description: This is a four way symmetrical map for any game type except assault, invasion and race. Weapons: Here is a list of the weapons. 1 Concussion rifle. 1 Dmr. 1 Energy sword. 1 Gravity hammer. 1 Grenade launcher. 1 Needler. 1 Overshield. 1 Rocket launcher. 1 Shotgun. 2 Assault rifles. 2 Mounted machine guns. 2 Plasma pistols. 2 Sniper rifles. 3 Magnums. Here are some screenshots of the map. Made by nick11962.
Welcome to forgehub! However your thread is not up to standards! Rules you have broken: 1.You must have at least one screenshot or video of your map Help to post 'em: 2. you must have a 500 description that describes your map! if you dont fix this you will have the mods all over you and the thread will be locked! hope you fix it
You need to put pictures on your map for us to be able to see what it is, you can follow this tutorial to see how its done. edit: I posted this at the same time as the guy above me sorry.
I tried out your map and I am pretty sure you're a begginer at forging. Your spawns need to be much more spread out for starters. Don't cram your spawns because spawn camping will be very easy. Secondly, your map is very elevated and crambed up. You have to balance space and elevation. Also, there aren't that many weapons besides quite a lot of power weapons. Put DMRs, Needle Rifles, grenades, etc. throughout the map. Also, you should set the turrets at the bases at different locations so they are more useful. Lastly, you should replace the grids with building blocks or possibly wall colliseums because they show too many phased objects. I did see some creative things and if you are a first time forger on foreghub then it was a decent start.
Thanks for the comment. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I did not had enough building blocks left to make it symmetrical.
I would not recommend a grid for a floor, it's too confusing. It's also very cramped and that doesn't help the vertical flow of this map. However, if this is indeed your first map, thank god you know how to piece together objects neatly. Otherwise, it's a decent map, keep forging and look into map design.