Data Hive Created by Crypto nv Recommended Gametypes: Invasion: Data Hive Recommended Players: 6 - 10 Data Hive is without a doubt one of the most inspirational and accurate Halo 3: ODST inspired remakes to date. Based off the ODST Campaign mission Data Hive, Crypto has done us more than justice by bringing this memorable mission back from the dusty depths of our DVD towers. If you can think back hard enough to remember each section of this mission from ODST, you'll find he's put everything in there that's needed to make you believe you're back on ODST with armour abilities instead of weapon silencers! From the Gradual height change and drop down holes, to the large, expansive canyon below ground where the superintendent is kept hidden from view. For once, the Forge World pallet's plain grey has been put to some creative use and gives the Data Hive atmosphere a jolt of energy making the entire feel of the map change from repetitive to scenic. Your mission, gentlemen, is to descend into the darkness that awaits you below the surface of the Hive and return with the superintendent in hand. Expect heavy resistance from covenant forces. Good luck. YouTube - Invasion: Data Hive Download Data Hive You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
When i played this, I did feel that gameplay took a back seat to aesthetics here. Not that that's a bad thng as this was an amazing remake aesthetically. Gameplay was fun enough to keep you in the moment, feeling as if you were back in ODST, it just didn't feel quite like what it could have been. Ultimately though, I think this feature was well deserved. Great job bro! And, as usual, Stevo forgot the poll.
congrats man! i knew this map was special when i first saw it, but i never got around to checking it out. i guess i'll have to get on that now!!
Funnily enough, I predicted this being featured a few days ago. Grats on the feature Crypto. Awesome map is awesome.
Failure #2 for Stevo Congrates Crypto, I still haven't played a game on here yet, GAWD! I wanted to back when it won FHF...
I have to agree with Psycoduck, I love the map aesthetically but gameplay is not quite where I expected it to be. It was really a Cluster F- around the phase 1 and 2 objectives, with strategy being replaced by rushing the zone with more and more numbers. While it is feature worthy, it has a few problems none-the-less. Still, as I never played ODST, the map made me crap my pants the first time I saw it.
lol it doesn't say anywhere the player limit is 10... but I felt it played best with either 3 - 4 players per side. But, I didn't actually get a 5v5 going...
I sincerely hope that the 2nd phase attacker spawn issue was fixed if this is being featured. Every single game I've played on this level, my first spawn or two during that phase resulted in being spawned outside the map and falling to my death. This made the experience significantly less enjoyable for me. The map was pretty good other than that; the first phase was by far the most fun due to the close quarters and just barely being able to repel the attackers. Congrats on the feature, sir.
This, I died several times when I played it. Another aspect that annoyed me was the forced fall damage, the spartans had almost to chance to win against a good team of elites since they had a clear disadvantage because of the drop. The aesthetics on the other hand are outstanding, the objectives are great and apart from the fall demange the overal balance of the map was good, if you fixed the spawning problems the map definitely deserves the feature
There are 2 drops if IRC. The first you have to crouch with the right timing to avoid the damage (though I don't think you should have to worry about it at all) and the second drop actually has a ledge below it that prevents further damage, but most players (including myself) tend to jump off the 2nd ledge because it gets you further. I didn't even notice this ledge until the end of my second time playing it.
The spawning and fall damage has been fixed. I managed to conjure up $400 to place two one way shield doors down the drop shafts.
All this time for this? We all knew this was amazing, I thought features were supposed to showcase maps that weren't already exploding with downloads. This map was really fun last TGIF, when we jammed 16 people on it.
Lol.. deserving maps get featured regardless of their download count and like we've said before, we were sorting out the last throwdown map winners and getting the videos together for it. Stuffs getting back to normal again now