Facility YouTube - Facility | Halo Reach Forge Map Download Here: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Concept: A medium sized asymmetrical map. It features a centrally located spiraling staircase and two jump pads to speed up travel time. The general flow of this map is up. Most players end up in combat on the 3rd floor. Gametypes supported are Slayer, Team Slayer, and One Flag CTF Download Here: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details For more Levels and Games Check out my Youtube Channel!
AAAARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. i have a map with the exact same name that i was gonna post tommorow. anyway, looks pretty good. im not sure if it was there on purpose, but in the glass-room thing, there's gaps in the walls, you even flew through them in theater mode.
Awesome map dude! Its a very simple design of a map, but it works well. One suggestion is to connect it to the ground (water), so it doesn't look like its floating in midair.
Looks great! The only thing i don't like is the structure in the middle it's too... well... boxy but the rest is really nice
That is the map I thought this would be. This map looks great to play on. The aesthetics aren't the greatest, but usually people have a fun time on maps like this
What caught my eye initially was the overall design. Just at a quick glance, it has a H2, Lockout type look. And I am a big fan of the old style maps. I tend to build maps in that style and everyone seems to love playing on those. However in your video I noticed a lot of rough edges. I'm not trying to be critical, but on maps that are really fun to play on, should also look really good everywhere! Keep up the good work though!