DHG Trismigistus v2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xdemption, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Welcome to Trismigistus! This map is the first of many submissions to come from the Die Hard Gamer's community. No I am not trying to recruit anybody if you were gonig to ask, DHG only stands as a trademark so people never forget. So strap on your diapers and feast your eyes on this masterpiece.

    Weapons go as follows:
    4x DMR
    4x Needle rifle
    1x Sniper rifle
    1x Shotgun
    1x Rocket launcher
    3x Plasma grenades
    3x Fragment grenades
    2x Plasma pistols

    The layout of the map as you'll notice, has no boxed rooms. Everything is curved right down to the hallways. Gameplay has been tested thoroughly, and gameplay is fantastic with team slayer and team flag. Ideally, you may want to avoid swat for it is a fairly open map.


    Much hard work has been put into this so comments please! This map was a joint project with DHG Architect. There are literally hundreds of maps from where that came from, stay tuned for what I DHG has next.
    #1 xdemption, Apr 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2011
  2. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    this is a very, very sexy looking map. could you post a pic over top of it, so we can get a veiw of the layout?
  3. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    wow... this is really good! nice work. i only have 2 suggestions. 1, a lot of the map has no railings, so it is easy to fall off the edge if you are evading or something. 2, in the rock room, the 2 by 1 flat looks kind of ugly... you should either take it out or replace it in my opinion. otherwise, it is amazing, hope you get a feature!!! =)
  4. timmy ted

    timmy ted Forerunner

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    very pleasing on the eyes and i like the waterfall.
  5. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    awesome map dude love the walkways and that... well... waterfall... DAMN!! Can't really see any flaws with it so Amazing map man! keep it up!
  6. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Very nice! I like how you incorporate some of the nature into the map and even build your own nature! It's very nice with a slightly open feel which in this case does suit the map very well instead of having all of that over load of cover! I really hope to see more cool works like these and good job! :D
  7. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thank you everyone! As for the suggestions I could not put additional railings because I ran out of supplies and the rock flat I'll consider changing. Right now I am thinking "Wait until they see the rest of them . . ."

    My internet is crapped out right now because the router at my new place needs to be replaced, so new maps will have to wait. Anywho, if you check my file share you could download what maps are posted to preview some of the maps i have created. While this map was a joint project, all other maps that are posted on my file share were done by me alone. Keep the comments coming :D

    PS: I will see if I can get an overview pic.
    #7 xdemption, Apr 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2011
  8. Bronson 117

    Bronson 117 Forerunner

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    This map is an aesthetic masterpiece. Everything from the curved glass wall to the waterfall looks absolutely amazing. I'm sure it plays well too, downloading now so I'll find out soon enough.
  9. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    I checked out the map and was very impressed with just about everything. I love the circular formation the the map and how the map is fronted towards the water. The waterfall is really creative and so is the sniper spawn. I really like this map and hope to see your other maps. The only problem I had was how some natural grass and rock was in that room the the two trees. It's only a minor problem but doesn't give the same flow. Other than that you have a download, very well done.
  10. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm liking this map a lot. There looks to be a lot of creativity and it also looks unique. I like how you made this map circular in some areas, which just adds to the overall uniqueness of the map. I do like the waterfall, it reminds me of the one I did in one of my maps, but I feel it doesn't quite fit with the rest of the map. I suggest removing it and coming up with something else- I'm sure you could come up with something. Great looking map though.
  11. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god this looks ****ing amazing. Im dl'ing right now and see if I can test this soon. Im going to have a quick flythrough right now.
    Great job and I hope to see more maps from you!
  12. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I checked it out and I love the design... most of the time. This was a sweet map, some of the best flow/ aesthetic mix I can think of with good weapon placement to boot. I didn't like the waterfall area though; it didn't seem to fit the rest of the map and honestly had very few places to go in it. The map feels so symmetric, I think copying the other side over would improve the overall feel of the map, even if differences are still present. Really cool, just felt a little off on that side.
  13. ARcHiTeCT117

    ARcHiTeCT117 Forerunner

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    DHG Architect

    By the way your welcome for my assistance on this map redemption it was very fun and also hard work to make this map lots and more time went into play testing and editing this map so the gameplay and astectics could have a good balanced ratio
    me and redemptions forging styles are making astectic map into game play maps and thats what its mostly about we will have more maps coming out the both of us.
    BTW ''eight ball''-that water fall goes perfectly there your just jealous cuase its better than your water fall so please back off and enjoy the map also that water fall was made by me'' so if you have a problem with it please talk to me about it.
  14. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    easy now architect, regardless it is a good asthetic piece in the map. While I would consider an alternative, I will most likely make the wall behind the waterfall a rock wall instead of a collisium wall, it will give a more naturistic feel. I liked the "Aesthetic Masterpiece comment", made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. You people want more? I shall deliever! Architect, if you are reading this start doing photo shoots of some of my maps, we got ALOT of maps to do gameplay vids for.
    #14 xdemption, May 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2011

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    This map is beautiful, apsolutely love that waterfall and the map reminds me of cold storage for some reason.

    such an original look to the outside of the map mixing natural and man made surfaces across the map, this is getting my download for sure

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