Chateau This is my latest map called Chateau, It's a competitive map for 4-12 players. In the lagoon on Forge world sits this symmetrical arena style map. It has a covenant theme with the purple lighting and crates and what not. This took me just a few days and hasn't been fully tested yet. I just want to get it out to see what people think. Overview Top Mid Red Base Blue Base Lower Mid Mid ( Rocket Spawn ) Bottom Lift
if thats a juicy fx take it out. Competitive maps should have any fx unless, maybe purple. Anyway you used a lot of buildings try making your own bases you should have a ton of budget left. please add a weapons lift and make sure that each weapon is equally accessable from each side, i.e. the sword is close to blue base that red base.
This map looks good, I like how colorful you made this be, the bases are nice, you have good weapons placements. I am going to download this to check out the spawning and the death barriers, If I find anything that you should fix I will message you back and tell you.
Thanks for all the ideas and criticism. Pinkish, what do you mean add a weapons lift? Could someone tell me if the spawning is ok?
Well, besides taking out the Juicy FX, try to balance the weapons and try to lower the amount of cash you use. You know take out the uneeded fat. Playtest the map with some friends and look for the least used areas of the map and take it out.
He meant weapons "List" not weapons "Lift." Anyways, it looks like you've got some interesting structures, but it feels rather cramped. Some areas, like the dishes, just seem difficult to move around in. And like Pinkish mentioned, you ought to remove some of the building objects and build your own bases, that aren't quite so cramped. Overall, you've got some nice ideas, you've just gotta create some better transitions.
Thanks for all the constructive criticism guys, I'll be updating this map tonight with the following: remove juicy effect. Open up the base areas. Uncramp middle area. Fix weapon spawns to be more equal. Remove some unused objects. And test. If anyone is interested in helping playtest, send me a message on xbox live. Gamertag: Mysterio116
First of all why should Juicy should be removed but Purple would be fine?? personally I think people are ridiculous being so adamant about not having fx. Unless you're having bad lag, there's really no reason to remove it. Fx adds flavour to a map - go ahead and remove it, then your map will look like every other generic floating map that comes through here.
yeah thats what i mean sorry [br][/br]Edited by merge: yeas but juicy fx adds weird color to explosions and fire but i like how it contrast the map colors but for "competitive" maps it isn't really good. i.e. every single map in bungies list forged by them or community has no fx on the map