Welcome to the first random weapon box on Reach. The bones of this switch were taken from my vending machine switch. Hopefully you'll be able to check this box out and use it in your on Zombie maps. Check out the vid on how it works. vid link The box. Walk up to it and push the fusion coil in.. And the guns will fall down(hold X/RB) When you push the fusion coil in, it launches upward causing a chain reaction with the other coils, and the last one (far right) releases all of the guns resting on it. Thanks for checking this out and I hope you use this in your map one day. I'll make a more in depth tutorial soon on how you build this and everything else that'll get your box working.
Cool Switch Two Questions though: Can you pick up any of the other weapons that are dropped or are they blocked off by something? What sort of budget does this use up?
I made a random weapons box using those Deployable Covers in the barricades section of scenery and then fusion coils with an infinite grenade next to it. The player picks up a grenade, throws it through the window with fusion coils, which then explode and take the cover offline. at the same time the player moves through a shield door to prevent damage and holds X (or whatever the controls are configured as) by the window on the other side and the weapons drop. The cover regenerates within 5 seconds so the weapons could be put on a loop, but i haven't tried that. GJ and GL
They fall into the watery depths of forge world and you can use the box again in exactly 1 minute. About $200 in it's simplest form. It depends how many weapons you put and how fancy you make it.
This is amazing, honestly. I will be definitely be using this in my maps. But I have a few questions for custom games. How long does it take weapons to respawn? How long does it take for fusion coils to respawn?
the switch as much i as i like your idea i just want to notice this : propane tanks make good switches too if you point the flat part towards the player and its sticking out far enough to be triggerd my hitting it (the sticking out is about how far its sticks out of the shield , not the wall) and it just looks like a nice button
I am planning on making a vending machine in one of my upcoming maps, would there be any problem if I used your idea, specifically the one-weapon vending machine, in the map? I'll give you credit for the idea when I post the map anyway.
or plasmablade's shielded landmine could cause the chain explosion. so all you would have to do is walk by the landmine to trigger it and not push anything in.