Well thanks guys! Morockshad I will try to get you into some of our customs as I said In your Mammoth thread. Anyways, photobucket is being retarded right now, but I am working to get the pictures back up. The video works fine though! EDIT: I have put up some temporary screenshots until my bandwith resets.
I've been through a couple games on this, and one major complaint I have is that you've yet to apply one of the most important parts in creating a competitive map. There are a lot of paths where you just end up running into an empty space with nothing there. This is not how you should create a true competitive map. I suggest adding in walkways/extra paths to these areas with dead ends. Adding in extra paths is much more important than you may think. This rule has remained effective since the days of Counter-Strike. You'd do good to apply it. Other than that one major gameplay flaw, the map isn't that bad. But without this applied, your map isn't nearly as good as it could be. 7.1/10. Off-Topic - Is it just me, or does this map look like a combination of the area Psychoduck was recreating and Windward?
I don't mean to disregard your opinion, but that is a pretty lame statement about the map. the area has all the paths it needs, there are no "nowhere areas". Everywhere has a point of interest, be it a weapon, health pack, or a great place to shoot from. Also, the entire map is used by both standard competitive gametypes and invasion. Sure, small sacrifices were made for both modes of play in order to make the map ambidextrous, but none of these really impact gameply at all. Gameplay flows through the entire map very nicely. I get the feeling from your post that you haven't actually played the map at all. /rant Now that it's been necroed, I might as well mention that there is an MLG version of the map in the works. I am converting it with help from Secret Shnitzel
The area you've labeled safe spawn/blue initial in one flag. That area only has one way in. That's what I'm talking about. There should be multiple pathways, even in areas you might think would not even have a remote impact on the map. Also, how can you say that you believe I have not played the map simply because I don't find it to be nearly as good as others? That's called an opinion, and mine isn't going to change no matter how many times I play it. Well, unless of course it were to be updated, but since you are like most people, the ones who ignorantly believe that having multiple pathways has no effect, I doubt you would take my suggestion into consideration. Until then, your map will never truly be good. I'd say this would be more suited as a Firefight map than a competitive map at this point. With all that said, no offense is intended, but I just don't feel that you're trying as hard as you could for improving the gameplay. This map has potential, and you are not using that potential nearly as much as you should.
Okay, I just want to back up on Psycho on this cause' I have played this countless times, but I also want to note that I like really competitive game play. I can understand what you mean by "going no where paths", but I can only truly think of two areas. The "Blue One-Flag" area that Psycho labeled, and under a slope by the "cone" and "Blue Initial Spawn". The One-Flag zone is only used when it comes to spawning. There's only rare times that people will camp down there. If so, you can easily throw some grenades or just out DMR. Under the slope is a one-way walkway, but there can be fire from the top level on to you. It's yet another area that can be easily taken out. As much as I have played this map, those are the only areas that will have any of the slightest effects on gameplay. (Mainly 1-Flag, 1-Bomb, and maybe TS) There are other games that can be played. Matt and Psycho wanted to put everything that they could into this map, and set it up for very gametype besides race. The map truly does promote movement because of high differences and the spawn system. Plus this map is a remake/imagination of the level Exodus from the campaign, and some areas, like Blue One-Flag Spawn were created to be the same as the level, and an area for the Falcon on Invasion. I really don't want to get within the argument, I just want to tell you my opinion, and I hope you consider it. With the games that you played, maybe it was just people that did some camping. I don't truly know why you would go and take your time to rip on the map. I can understand that it's not your sorta map you want to play. That's okay, but I don't think it's right to go and complain. I'm sorry.
Ok, let me put my boots on. Let's have a quick chat about campaign, spawning, map flow, and map design. I suppose it's worth noting that I am not raging right now, but this needs to be said. Obviously this is directed at 4shot. Ok, Cargo Port is obviously based off of campaign. The area wasn't originally designed for multiplayer, so we made some modifications while keeping the base layout. Everything we kept, we made sure we kept for a reason. The blue initial spawn room in CTF is a perfect example of this. We took what could have been a simple corner hub, and turned it into an essential spawn room. Sure, there's not much incentive to actually go there, but that's ok. There is still incentive in the form of a health pack, but that's not really the point of the area anyway. That dead-end hallway has the heaviest concentration of forge objects on the map. Not only is it the attacker's main spawn area throughout all three phases in Invasion (not to mention hub, and path to the falcon), it's also the safest place to spawn on the map. This is because of its nature of having two ways in/out and being enclosed, unlike the rest of the map. There are five main areas to spawn in on Cargo Port, and they cannot all be in danger at any time in 4v4 games. This is why this area is so important. It's also worth noting that it is not campable, as jetpackers can fly in through the window, and it is so open that putting your back against the wall is little more than a way to get yourself killed. Now, why won't I update the map based on your "opinion"? Well, because your opinion is based on paper-thin assumptions about map design and the map itself. We've gone through hundreds of tests with knowledgable forgers, and the complaint about the area described above was never brought up. Not once. The ammount of feedback that has been taken into consideration on this map is staggering, your assumption that I refuse to take people's feedback in mind is bullshit. Now, trying as hard as I can? The map has gotten a hell of a lot farther than anyhing I've seen you make. It uses every single object available on forge world. There is no more that can be done. Sure, things could be changed, but not added. Nothing is changing though because throughout our ultra-thorough testing we addressed every issue on the map that anyone found. The map has met its potential 100%. Once again, there ARE multiple pathways because, as you said, that is essential to map design. That was the only smart thing you said in your posts and then you made a bullshit claim that there weren't multiple pathways. Hopefully next time, you will actually think before you post. maybe this way you could actually bring up some legitimate points. Please don't post on here again unless you actually think through your post, bring up some valid points, and don't make a complete ass out of yourself. perhaps the MLG version of the map will be more your style, but I don't really care either way as nothing you have said made the slightest bit of sense. thank you, and have a nice day.