Left 4 Dead - The Beginning

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Super Majin Vegeta, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. Super Majin Vegeta

    Super Majin Vegeta Forerunner
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    This is the first part of my zombie campaign ispired to the videogame Left 4 Dead.

    A Virus,which turn the humans into undead creatures,is spreading in the city.
    A team of survivors, hidden in a protected area, have to escape from the country.
    In the outskirts of the city, there is an elicopter, which can be the key to the escape.
    They have to get to it.

    Humans must to get through three areas and get to the safe heaven(The Falcon).
    In the safe Heaven, the humans have a little bonus of health and damange.
    The Zombies spawns in these areas and have to kill them all.

    They can take at least four hits before they fall.
    Equipment: Magnum and one frag granade

    They can take at least two melee hits before they fall, but an headshot will kill them quickly.
    They have a lot of classes,but not all of them are featured in this first part of the campaign:

    Runner: Sprint
    Hunter: Evade
    Stalker: Active Camo
    Jokey: Hologram
    Splitter: Plasma Granade
    Smoker: Focus Rifle
    Mud Man: Concussion Rifle
    Puker: Plasma Laucher
    Blocker: Armor Lock and Gravity Hammer
    Regenerator: Portable Shield
    Tank: Custom Powerup

    (The tank need only one hit to kill the survivors)

    Part 1: Outskirts
    Part 2: Sewers
    Part 3: Rocky Area

    Weapons in part 1:
    Shotgun( 0 clip)
    Frag Granade
    Granade Laucher( 3 Clip)

    Weapons in part 2:
    DMR ( 1 Clip)
    Shotgun ( 1 Clip)
    Assault Rifle ( 3 Clip)
    Magnum ( 4 Clip)
    2 Frag Granades
    Health Pack

    Weapons in part 3:
    Sniper Rifle ( 1 Clip)
    Assault Rifle ( 2 Clip)
    Magnum ( 4 Clip)
    Health pack

    The weapons Never Respown

    The next map is called Left 4 Dead : the Swamp and will take place in a swamp

    give a comment of the map if you like it please
    Sorry for my english and thanks for the views
    #1 Super Majin Vegeta, Apr 28, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2011
  2. AboveHaloMaster

    AboveHaloMaster Forerunner
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    This map looks great, you have a good idea for a infection map, It is well constructed. Great job, and I will give this a download.
  3. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Like the map but i think it would be too overpowered to be for example a hunter all the time i think you should only include runner and tank, like rifte gifle
  4. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    another left4dead in which the destination is a Falcon. no problems with this, its just that its in every remake, as well as citys and sewers (the sewer area you designed seems rushed). i like the rocky area because that is original. I'm not hatin, just thinking that your second map can be a little more original or at least less seen in a remake. like i havent seen a whole lot of highway, carnival, bridge, or rural L4D remakes which could be pretty solid. give it a shot?
  5. Super Majin Vegeta

    Super Majin Vegeta Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is the first map that i made on halo:reach.
    i was ispired by rifte gifle's map, so it isn't a very original map :(
    The next will take place in a swamp, another in a graveyard and the last in a point of space launch.
    This is my old campaign, i'm actually working on another campaign which will take place on a train.
    #5 Super Majin Vegeta, Apr 29, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2011
  6. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I'm going to start off by saying this is one of the greatest infection maps I have ever played.

    It's balanced, first off. The infected can spawn, and if they play right, and use teamwork, they can be a great force against the humans. When that door opens, and the sewers is unlocked, it can be a great struggle to push down that hole if no one is covering the exit. After exiting the sewer, the rocky outcrops leading to the falcon are dark, and the tight corners mean infected could be anywhere. The atmosphere is fantastic.

    The weapon system is great. The amount of ammo available is PERFECT, so never change that. It made it impossible for the Humans to just camp, as they ran out of ammo very quickly.
    The map style and layout makes it very obvious where the exit to each map section is, which is great. The multiple entrance routes for the infected followed by the great lines of sight from each teleporter is another fantastic addition.

    Last of all, the special infected system is quite good, even though the implication could be that bit better with a smaller player amount.

    Altogether, let me say that this is a fantastic infection map, and I hope the Left 4 Dead series is a long one.
  7. Super Majin Vegeta

    Super Majin Vegeta Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I am honored :)
    thankyou very much

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