Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, (probably more gentlemen than ladies) to, not only my second Marathon remake, but my second map period. This one's based off the map known as One Hit Wonder. It's a pretty straight forward symetrical map with a maze like layout, similar to something out of Pac-Man. Map Layout The dead ends only show up in FFA Red Base Blue Base Weapons DMR x2 Respawn 30 Spare Clips 2 Magnum x2 Respawn 30 Spare Clips 2 Grenade Launcher x2 Respawn 30 Spare Clips 2 Shotgun x2 Respawn 30 Spare Clips 2 AR x2 Respawn 30 Spare Clips 2 Plasma Pistol x2 Respawn 30 Spiker x2 Respwan 30 Spare Clips 2 Energy Sword x1 Respawn 100 Slayer Only Rocket Launcher x1 Respawn 70 Spare Clips 1 FFA Only Needle Rifle x2 Respawn 30 Spare Clips 2 Plasma Repeater x2 Respawn 30 Spartan Laser x1 Respawn 50 Place at start:No FFA Only Focus Rifle x2 Respawn 45 Team Only Sniper Rifle x2 Respawn 45 Spare Clips 1 Team Only Thank you again to everyone who helped with playtesting.
It looks cool, but did you make sure that you couldn't grenade jump on top of the maze? Back in Halo 3, my friends would just do that for easy kills.
Tried to, but there's a shortage of kill zones. Besides, in all the playtesting I did, the only time anyone got up there was with a jetpack and it gave them no signifigant advantage. Their time on the walls lasted an average of 5 seconds and the cover's not that great. Best I can tell, the only thing getting up on the walls is good for is a quick get-away.
I gave this a download and had a run around looks like it will be good 4v4 fun, for anyone looking at the tops of the maze in the pics and thinking it looks badly forged, when you on the map you dont see the tops and its actually really well forged, so give it a DL