
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Mushroomman3rd, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. Mushroomman3rd

    Mushroomman3rd Forerunner

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    This is my first map, Atrium.

    The download for this map is now taken down to free up fileshare space and to promote the second version.

    Check out the second version of it, Laufsteg.


    Atrium was made with the intent of having as many game-types on a relatively small map.

    I hadn't seen any indoor maps with this kind of feel before and it was an idea I've had for a while, so I made it.


    Originally a peaceful atrium near a military outpost, it has welcomed the war between the UNSC and Covenant.
    It was taken by the Covenant and was being used as a decompression zone for the Elites that just came from the front line.
    The UNSC has sent an elite team of Spartans to take it back, or to destroy it.
    Welcome to the fight soldier...

    List 'o Weapons:
    Assault Rifles- 6
    DMRs- 6
    Grenade Launcher- 1
    Magnums- 4
    Rocket Launcher- 1
    Shotgun- 1
    Sniper Rifle- 1
    Frag Grenades- 8
    Concussion Rifle- 1
    Energy Sword- 1
    Gravity Hammer- 1
    Needle Rifles- 4
    Needlers- 2
    Plasma Pistols- 2
    Plasma Repeaters- 2
    Plasma Rifles-3
    Spiker- 1
    Sticky Grenades- 8

    Now for some nice pictures!
    A nice overview of the map.
    A view of the ground level.
    A sample of the scenery outside the map.

    A walk through video:
    YouTube - reach17127904 35822661

    I might make an Invasion mode using the outside at a later time, but not yet, I still have to decide.

    Please leave constructive criticism/suggestions so I can improve this map.
    #1 Mushroomman3rd, Apr 27, 2011
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  2. Froberts

    Froberts Forerunner

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    The map looks great, but there isnt a whole lot of cover to hide behind. Aside from that, It looks great!
  3. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Next time you do a walk-around, I suggest that you don't do it in the Forge. No one really needs to see all of the spawn points. Also, in the first little dip in the course on the sand, are those bridges really needed? I think that the map would probably work fine without them. The green tin cups are a little high up and they don't really look like grass. Not exactly sure what you were going for there, but I wanted to let you know.

    How does this map play out for free for alls? It seems that with all of the power weapons, it would not require too much skill to win.

    More cover!! That's what this map needs.

    However, I love the main walkway above the map, and the green effect is a nice touch. With a little bit of work, this map could makes it's way onto many a hard-drive. =)

    Oh and I almost forgot:
    #3 CosmicJosh, Apr 27, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2011
  4. Mushroomman3rd

    Mushroomman3rd Forerunner

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    Thanks for the advice. I'll see if I like the result of more cover and reconfiguring the sand pit.
  5. PinkishObject

    PinkishObject Forerunner

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    also maybe change the name since there are many other maps by this name

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