YouTube - Halo Reach: Water Hazard Water Hazard is the first step into a storyline that will become a puzzle saga, involving a secret corp. called "Boten Der Apokalypsen", (The Messengers of Apocalypse) as explained down. In this puzzle, there are no impossible solutions, but there is a limit time because this was the closer sensation to an infiltration, exploding the Invasion gametype possibilities and involving some new and old challenges, theres nothing out of reach in Water Hazard, but be careful, when you die you have a respawn spot and sometimes it sends you away from your progress, so watch your step and dont die too much.
The post is really an eye catcher. I haven't tried the map, but considering your patients with posting this thread, I would say it's a very good map.
i did the map today i really like the first part where you have to kill yourself and then smash ur body into the cannon man that opens the door... really great
Magnificent! I know I haven't used that word in a while, but I think this is an appropriate time to use it. The post and video is structure very well my friend. The map looks very smart and sweet just like the background story. The challenges from what I saw both in the video and the post alone, look very challenging... indeed. This is getting you very far in the contest my friend. Now Paradoxians, step up your game to beat this guy's level!
I'm pretty sure your supposed to have an un-edited picture of your map for your thumbnail image. You could take the one you have now, and post it at the top of your thread. But other than that, looks great!
Just plain amazing. The time and effort put into the map and the presentation. The story line is also cool. The asthetics look good too. I am very curious how much of a challenge it is. You got my download
yep i did, but to get to the banshees was a real mean one. so easy and so close but i didnt think of it
Epic! To be honest I hate timed puzzles. (Probably because I take so long to figure them out. (If at all)) I never would have figured out the first puzzle if someone hadn't posted the answer. Very clever indeed!
Thanks! I think that later I will adapt it someway to some other gametype without a time limit, but right now, Thanks by trying it.