
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by yardbird92, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. yardbird92

    yardbird92 Forerunner

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    Flythrough(Needs to be updated):
    YouTube - Halo: Reach Invasion Map - Riposte

    T1 pics are no longer valid!
    Phase 1(Territories):
    Two hill markers are placed at the beginning of the bridge, standard countdown.

    Phase 2(CTF):


    Phase 3(Assault):


    Map Design Intent:
    This map started out as a small CTF style map where both teams would have to battle for control of the bridge, but after I completed the bridge I already saw the potential for a competitive Invasion map. Rather than having a match where the attacking team has to double back in the third phase, this map continues to progress forward, leaving the defending team no where to hide by the end of phase three.

    The Story:
    The covenant have taken control of one of our data servers and currently have specialists en route to hack into our systems. This cannot happen. A small team of elites is posing as temporary security until reinforcements arrive.

    The Mission:
    A team of spartans must break through the enemy's defences and destroy that facility before the reinforcements arrive. After securing the far end of the bridge, additional supplies will be delivered, but you will need to unlock the armory to aquire the proper explosives. Use one of the facility's power cores to power building and open the blast doors. Once the materials are aquired, push through the enemy's last line of defense and destroy the server!

    Phase 1:
    2x Needle Rifle
    2x DMR

    Phase 2:
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Shotgun
    1x Shade Turret
    1x Focus Rifle
    1x Plasma Launcher

    Phase 3:
    1x Rocket Launcher
    1x Fuel Rod Gun

    Phase 1:

    Phase 2:
    1x Mongoose
    1x Warthog(Default)
    1x Ghost

    Phase 3:
    1x Falcon
    1x Banshee

    Base Map:
    Forge World(Alaska/Montana)
    Intended Number of Players: 12
    Gametype Supported: Invasion

    Other Notes:
    This map is designed to be played with a full group of 12 players. Otherwise, one team will seriously out power the other(especially on Phase 2).
    If anyone is able to play a full game of 12 players, please semd me a link to the video so I can watch it and see how to improve the gameplay. Thanks alot and Enjoy!
    #1 yardbird92, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2011
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Love the invasion map. Instead of sectioning of a tiny part of the ridge you utilized almost all of it. efficiently too. I like the building. Each individual building has its own unique aesthetic qualities. Great job here.
  3. yardbird92

    yardbird92 Forerunner

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    Thanks, SquidMan!

    New version now available, a new structure has been added to the T2 location, hopefully allowing capturing the core to be a little more manageable! I'm not sure if the T3 mancannon was in the last version or not, but it's there

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