I'm surprised a thread hasn't already been made about this or maybe nobody here really cares for obvious reasons. lol If you even sporadically keep up with news in technology you might know that PSN has been shutdown for about 6 days now by hackers. More importantly personal information (name,dob,adress etc), and most likely credit card information, have been compromised by an "unauthorized person", ALSO Sony did not tell their customers their info had been taken until a week after it happened. The motive for the hacking is still up for speculation, most blame it on the internet group "Anonymous" for their declaration of war against Sony but they[Anon] deny all claims. IMO the group that shut it down most likely stemmed off Anon, anyways I'm proud to be an Xbox owner right about now =] Source linkage: Cnet CNN IGN
Meh, I think it's rather funny. All these PS3 owners were always taking the piss about how we pay to play online when they get to do it for free. I simply see it as karma. You take the piss and eventually it circles around and smacks you in the face, and this hacking is the result of karmic (is that the right term?) balance being restored.
I just laugh and laugh at it. Nearly everybody I've met who has a PS3 is always like "PS3 is better because it is." Well, at least now we still have online play. Also, I laughed even harder when they said that personal information was stolen.
What are the chances sony are going to make you pay for PSN now? Im going to say it's a possibility. If they were charging for the service, they'd be able to get better security for it. Hence why this kind of thing doesn't happen with the xbox.
My opinion is, should have gone with xbox live! It got hacked in such a stupid way too. All that stopped the hackers (apparently) was the hardware, once they got firmware to become "devs", it was easy riding.
The possibility of Sony charging for it's base online service before this happened was 0%. Now, I'd say there is even less of a possibility. Sony is contemplating on whether or not to refund people in someway due to this outage. Really this thread is a little sad. The PS3 elitists that post on message boards make up less than 5% of the Playstation population, and I'm willing to bet there are just as many, if not more, Xbots out there. I'm not going to laugh at people when they aren't able to do what they enjoy and when their personal information is at risk.
i just hope i get some kind of free stuff out of this xD personal details schmetails, what i have on my psn is not enough to id fraud me
dont worry guy, just an informative point. a dilemma is where you can't decide between one thing or another. hence 'di'lemma
*cough* Consoles were made to be a fair platform where hardware wasn't the deciding factor of a competitive match and so that developers had a stable platform to develop on where things weren't changing constantly and the environment was the same for everyone. AKA your argument is invalid
I find the PSN shutdown rather funny. This one guy at my school has like a "conspiracy theory" about it saying 'they are adding a mega update to make it way better than your online - and mine's free. The hackers are just made up' I lol'd all day. Because if PSN fix their network, it's gonna be out of the player's pockets. At least I've habituated to pushing out 60 bucks for a year of awesome I hope it's down for another week but that's all. I like Sony and respect their system. I just want some ultra Lulz from the kids suffering from 'CoD withdrawal'
As a heads up, the passwords for peoples accounts were saved directly as text on PSN's servers. No hash tags or any type of protection was placed on the passwords.
Basically I see it as them getting what's coming. It's common sense, really. You pay more, you get better quality... In this case, you pay any, you get better quality. Our stuff is all encrypted and stored on Microsoft's ultra secure servers while their stuff is stored in plain english on Sony's not-so-secure servers. I do feel sorry for the average gamers that are suffering from the shutdown. However I think the PS3 Elitests are getting a nice taste of their own feet in their mouths. I was planning on buying a PS3 and I still am for games like Killzone, etc... But I'm definitely not getting it for online... Also Kinect > PlayStation Move... I've used both and Kinect feels smoother and is a lot more fun because I don't feel like I'm playing HD Wii. /postaboutPS3