Wrathbringer Mk. II

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by The Abhorrent, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. The Abhorrent

    The Abhorrent Forerunner

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    Wrathbringer Mk. II

    Created by The Abhorrent

    The Wrathbringer Mk. II is an immense and intricate spaceship built above the valley in Forge World, containing multiple decks with varied design. All the action takes place on-board the ship, with measures in place to ensure no one gets stranded on the ground. Travelling about this behemoth is facilitated by several man cannons, gravity lifts, and teleporters. Jet packing up and hopping down between the many levels works too. Always keep a lookout for new ways to get around, or even make up a new trail as you go along.

    The map is largely intended to be a fun slayer-type map, nothing too special. A good variety of basic weapons and armor abilities are scattered liberally throughout the map, though many of the more powerful are more scarce if not hidden as well.

    Profile shot of the ship from a distance

    Closer view of the aft exterior of the ship

    View of frontal area of the ship, looking inwards

    View of lowest level, looking towards the stern

    View of elevator to top deck

    View of top deck, sternward

    The Reactor - Warning! Room too hot to for prolonged exposure!

    This map is my first submission to Forge Hub, and hopefully it lives up to the high standards you guys have. Have fun both exploring the ship and shooting it full of holes!

    Thanks to Weremidget for an initial evaluation and pointing out this site to me.

    And for any who might be curious, the "Mk. II" is not just there to look cool. There is an older version of the map, though that one can be best described as..... well, evil. Much harder to get around and the map is actively trying to kill you.
    #1 The Abhorrent, Apr 26, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2011
  2. Maverik

    Maverik Forerunner

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    i take it thats a soft kill zone in the reactor room? i did the same thing in the first map i made that wasnt just a random throw together of stuff to mess around in. it was a ship too, and as it seems you did with yours, i hid a grav hammer in mine too. takes a really skillful sprint to get it though. yours easy to get, or no?
    #2 Maverik, Apr 26, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2011
  3. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to forgehub! The map seems pretty nice as a slayer map but it doesn't look like a ship at all! :/

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