Greetings, dear ladies and gentlemen of forge hub. I am new to forge and the community, as you might guess. I look forward to seeing some of the projects that come out of this place. I have been working hard on a map that replicates D-Day. It's territories map, I've built everything and its all fine. I made a game type for it based off of the Land Grab game type, and set it to asymmetric so that there would be a defending team and an attacking team. The territories appear, and they are captureable in other game styles, but the problem is that whenever I set the game style to Asymmetric, suddenly the points cannot be capped. It has been driving me INSANE. I have spent more hours trying to fix this, than I have spent working on the actual map (about 7+ for the map). No matter what I have changed, they still don't work: they just appear and won't allow anyone to capture them. The map and its game type are on my file share, if you want to take a look at them. If somebody could tell me what the problem is, I would love them forever. Thanks for reading, further information below if you'd like to help. FLAG STAND SETTINGS: Team: Neutral Symmetry: Both Spawn Seqeunce: 1-3 Game Type Label: Terr_object
Your problem may be that the territory may had to belong to the defending team (red) Nevermind I a derp i tested and they appear properly but I couldn't capture it Nevermind I tested assymetrical land grab on a bungie map and the gametype is broken. Asymmetrical territories works just the same
Thank you for the help! But that certainly is depressing. All the effort to make that map... Would anybody happen to know how you would go about developing a defense VS offense game type revolving around defending/obtaining territories? I really would hate to lose all the effort I put into this map. Does Bungie fix these things very quickly? Should I even bother sending them an email about this glitch?
Thank you! Just add me to your friends list, my GT is JohnnyRadman, and I do have a mic. These past few days I've been able to get on a fair amount, but I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to fit in tomorrow. I'll try to get on at around 1:00 PST, but depending on the volume of HW I get, it could be a few hours later. But I will definitely get on at one 1:00 to tell you if I can make it.