Hey, this ia Big team battle map called Rampent. it took me a while to finish, it is symetrical, lots of cover and all that fun stuff. Lots ofp ower weapons to balance out the singlle banshee and set of vehicles that spawn at each base. Lots of cover for infantry, yet a lot of room for vehicles to drive around. the map takes place on a floating platform that is supposed towonder over the rings seas the map is fair in every way, trhose that have played with me on it love it. I wnated to show you guys and see what you all think before i show it off on the Reach forums to see what the rest of the reach community thinks. There will be an update later on that will allow this map to support territories, neutrial and team bomb. So please: download, play, rate, love or hate. vehicles : 2 wort hogs 2 revs 2 ghosts 4 moneese 1 banshee Weapons: 2 rocket launchers 6 DMR's 2 Nrs 2 PRs 2 ARs 2 snipers 2 PPs 2 CRs 2 shotguns 4 frags 4 stickies
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Much better Now I can see what you are talking about. I have to go now but when I come back I will take another look at this map.
Is english your first language? Anyways, the map looks pretty cool. I like the concept, along with the different types of floor but it does however seem a bit empty in the grid areas. That's what I'm getting from the overview anyways, If I played the map it might not feel so empty on the grid. I do understand that the map needs to be open for the vehicles but there has to be a balance.
OMG. Just from the overview this map looks awsome, brilliant use of the grid, it looks a lot better than ussual grey. Also makes the map look a bit futuristic. Its nice to see a symetrical BTB map, too.