i recently made a map but the one of the BOMB goals won't show up. everything in the property window is the same exept for the team configuration. and still one of them don't show up in customs. does anybody knows how to fix this?
Well are you going into a custom game by yourself? If so, I think only one shows up no matter what. Try plugging in a controller or inviting a friend to see if it works
What cart0graph suggested is usually the reason, but otherwise your just saying "I set everything up right, whats wrong?" For red and blue (and orange and green if you like) you need AS_Bomb and AS_Goal. Give the AS_Goal a shape the player can actually stand in (AS_Bomb doesn't need a shape). If you only changed those settings it should work. Try deleting the goals and replacing new ones. If that still doesn't work, would you mind uploading it to your file share and posting a link so we can look for the problem?
Set bomb to neautral and goals to either team should work.. Also check the bomb goals both have a shape. Also make sure the goals both are on correct gametype (assault) place at start true. I usually have on spawn sequence 0 too if they are on 2 or 3 that might also be your problem