
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by TitanC005, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    "Debates have risen over the true purpose of this ancient Forerunner temple. 4-10 players."

    This map is called "Sanctum", and was built mainly for Team Slayer and Capture the Flag. The map itself takes place within a derelict Forerunner druidic temple, with a tree as the center focus point of the map. The interior features rows of columns and an upper walkway, while the exterior features an outer walkway with a man cannon that can be used to quickly cross from one side to the other. Let's take a quick visual tour.



    Here's a straight shot of the map's middle. The Gravity Hammer spawns at the base of the tree. The first of three Health Packs spawns on the ground level behind the tree as well.


    A view from the opposite direction. Note the top walkway that runs along the width of the map.


    "Green" platform, which overlooks the main hall. It is situated at a high vantage point, but lines of sight are restricted by the temple's structure. Dual Spikers spawn here.


    "Yellow" side. Red Team spawns on the exterior walkway just outside. Plasma Grenades rest against the middle obelisk structure, and a Needler is nested between the two far columns. A second Health Pack is also situated on the columns.


    "Blue" side, where the Blue Team spawns. Plasma Grenades rest against the forward pillar, with a Needler situated behind it. The final Health Pack spawns against the blue brace walls on the far ledge.


    The lethal Plasma Rifle spawns in the middle of the upper walkway. The platform also offers a quick drop-down onto the exterior walkway, near the Concussion Rifle spawn.


    The exterior walkway is open, but allows quick travel from Blue to Yellow sides. The lift allows players to traverse the gap between the Blue and Middle platforms. The first DMR spawns in the middle of Blue platform, and the second spawns in the corner by Red spawn.








    Sanctum v2
    Since release, I've made some edits in a second version of the map. The download link in both the header and the thread now lead to the v2, but the original map can still be found on my File Share. Changes include:
    • Removing decorations behind Red Spawn. Players can no longer sit there and snipe down the exterior walkway.
    • Moving Stockpile flag locations.
    • Lowering the Safe Volume so that Jetpackers can no longer perch on the ceiling beams.
    • Adding Kill Volumes to certain areas.

    Many thanks to everyone who helped me test. Download, recommend, and have fun!

    #1 TitanC005, Nov 11, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  2. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    looks really well designed and reminds me a little bit of Epitaph, although the interior is very different. I'll edit with more feedback later when I have a chance.
  3. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    Thanks. Yeah, Epitaph was a pretty heavy inspiration, although this map is more interior-focused. It's got a slight sense of symmetry to it too. I'm notoriously horrible at designing asymmetrical maps, so I'm glad with what I pulled off here.
  4. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    please it is a good map but I am so sick of trees in maps. All I can think of when I see a tree is Vanilla because thats the first one I saw. If you were trying to take that idea please just dont. Also, Im sure there is no water in the map because water is a pointless extra to me because of how many people did it already. To get a map good, as in not look like others be unique and creative. Although you probably did not steal the tree idea from anyone it has already been done and wont get your map the credit deserves. Please rethink your map before starting. All in all the maps seems decent, but no DL for me. It seems like you map a couple parts to large for gameplay as in wide open space. Although it looks neat and smooth create an idea that someone has never done.
  5. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    I respect your choice not to DL. No, trees aren't the most original things to build a map around, but cliches become cliches because they work. This map was supposed to be a Forerunner druidic temple, and if I had placed a 1x4 block instead of a tree, I really don't think it would feel quite the same. It takes an enormous amount of planning to build a map around a tree successfully, too.

    I'm not sure what your rant about water is, but there isn't a single drop of it on Sanctum. It's suspended on top of the cliff. Try to go swim in the ocean and a kill barrier will happily take your corpse there.

    There's an adequate amount of cover in my opinion. The middle is open, but the Yellow and Blue wings offer plenty of protection. The reason no cover was added on the upper walkway was to balance out the height advantage, and there's no cover on the outer walkway because it would make CTF games hell when trying to chase down a flag carrier who could just zip across on the man cannon. It's the shortest path from A to B - but also the most dangerous.

    Thanks for your input.
  6. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    I understand what you mean and yes tress arent my favorite especially because everyones doing it. But no hard feelings

    Also, the water thing was my own opinion. I didnt know if you did or didnt but I was just stating it, and how water isnt neccessary. Nothing towards you.

    Lastly, the cover thing can be fixed or not. I really think it depends what kind of player you are. Some people might like cover and some may not. Sorry for being so harsh. It just wouldnt be my first choice in a map. :/
  7. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
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    im actually going to highly disagree with the anti-tree statement posted above. i actually like the tree in the center. it actually looks realistic. now, about the map. it is really like epitaph. i think you did a really good job making this map.
  8. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Ancient
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    Your not dling because he wasn't the first to put a tree in his map? That is not very mature. At least look at the other aesthetically pleasing aspects of the map, and who dl a competetive map solely for aesthetics? This maps layout is completely different then Vanilla's and im sure GunnerGrunt would not mind if he used his idea.

    This looks awesome dl'ing now to see how it plays.
    Keep it up
    #8 A Legit Taco, Nov 11, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
  9. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    Thanks, guys. @Arctic Hunter, no need to apologize for being harsh. I posted my map, so whatever people think of it is whatever they want to think of it. Life goes on, and we all make better maps.

    This is one of my Forgetacular entries too, so fingers crossed ^^ It's for the Team Slayer category, but I'm really interested to see how CTF plays on it as well. I only got to play FFA and Team Slayer while playtesting.
  10. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Yeah I am sorry though. the map is good but just did not get my attention. No hard feelings :p
  11. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Thank you for linking this map in your sig because I would have missed it. I love the looks of the map and the layout. Sure trees have been done before but done or not done if it works then you should use it to your advantage. This is a case where a tree is better than no tree because it adds to the feel of the map and doesn't seem tacked in just for the sake of having one.
  12. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    I love the tree in the middle, it definitely helps with how the map looks. It's a nice touch of nature within the man-made map.
  13. GuardianV3

    GuardianV3 Forerunner
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    I downloaded this map and I must say I'm impressed. I found some tricky little jumps (and obviously they can be done via Jetpack) that will allow you to get on those decorative Satellite Antennae on the ceiling, and I'm sure it's intentional, but it can be a dominating spot and I think it should be an aesthetic and nothing more. If you have soft kill barriers, try using them there.
  14. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    Good find. Yeah, that was intentional. I had the safe zone just tall enough so that players could jetpack up to the beams, but not go too high on them. The lines of sight aren't particularly overwhelming in those positions either, so I didn't see much sense in a player camping out there. Although now that you mention it, it wouldn't be a bad idea to lower the safe zone a bit - allow players to sit up there for a couple seconds if they want, but not for too long.
  15. mrcleanup

    mrcleanup Ancient
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    The weapon layout could really use some work on this and Bungie doesn't ever put just 2 DMRs on a map. Also they both are on 80 seconds, might want to lower them a bit for more people to have them.
  16. uncle w0p

    uncle w0p Forerunner

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    This is a fantastic map. So clean, and unique. Most of the maps out there now are good, but just too much grey because of the forge world blocks. But somehow, you managed to maneuver around this, and it's very colorful. Can't wait to play it :D
  17. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Bemire has water.


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