Urban life

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by lordcrusnik1986, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. lordcrusnik1986

    lordcrusnik1986 Forerunner
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    So I told you guys about a month and a half ago i was working on A 16 player fully explorable city, my duck run maps were good but since ahp mods have come to pass, we are going to start seeing BIGGER MAPS! Tons of great playable maps, even if the community as a whole doesnt jump on this bandwagon I WILL and you guys will love it! I plan on introducing the first of MANY GIANT MAPS that will look play and feel like REAL HALO REACH MAPS! No more SLIDE MAPS and this may mean FEWER DUCK RUN maps as i will more then likely make fully playable asethic maps that look and feel great while keeping everyone at equal footing. All new maps are best played with 16 players as they are well, massive to say the least and the first installment will be URBAN LIFE. All thats left are spawning, which will be available for All if not most gametypes. The map is set in an urban city, skyscrapers and building bridging are a few of the best features, but what im proud of most is the attention to detail such as A BUILT IN CITY ROAD, INSIDE WALKABLE BUILDINGS, ALTERING PATHS, ACCESSIBILITY TO ALL INSIDE BUILDINGS ( note some buildings only include first level experience due to budget constraints )FULLY DETAILED BUILDINGS (including, window frames, doors, and outside details ) The road in urban life is made to look like an actual road ( not to be confused with with a path or duck run standards ) meaning you are not constrained to sticking to the road.

    Tips for teams and a few helpful strategies.

    RED team: You will spawn inside a house, when you exit you have several choices, if you go straight out and in between the two buildings you will see a rocket hog ( your best chance is the rocket hog because blue team spawns
    ahead of you in the adjacent building) or you can spawn and go right which you will see some mongoose that you can explore, if you go right you will hit a building that has weapon loadouts and a mancannon to propel you to the top of the building adjacent and a ghost, if you go left instead when you spawn you will eventually hit blue base for a direct attack but will have no other options for you so it would be standard weapons.

    Blue Team: you will spawn inside a 3 story building at the bottom, if you go to the start of the base and turn around you can access the second floor, then 3rd floor and an elevator that takes you to the roof, from here you have a birdseye perspective of the area if you continue you will see a rocket launcher at the front of the tunnel that will lead you onto the adjacent roof, you can stay there or mancannon onto the next roof which places you right at the red span of course by the time you get there if red team is smart they will be gone by then, you can continue on from roof to roof until you come to the area with a ghost and other weaponary, You will have some advantages but red team is closer to the loadouts so it balances. OR when you spawn you can go straight which will bring you to some mongoose and straight shoot it to the ghost, Or if you go diagonally right after spawn you will go between to buildings to get the rocket hog, of course red team can do the same thing with equal oppertunity so be aware, OR finally you can TAke a right and go straight to red team with only standard weaponry.

    Each team has EQUAL OPPORTUNITY just different paths.

    Of course invasion or any other gametypes will follow similar but more spread out options.
    Race and rocket race will follow the road, but of course you have altering paths.

    URBAN LIFE: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    URBAN LIFE SLAYER: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    URBAN LIFE ROCKET HOG: (RED AND BLUE TEAM ONLY) Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    URBAN LIFE SWAT: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    I forgot to mention, that teleporters outside of of housing, are set to alpha so each time you go through it will spawn you to another location within the city limits, I havent fully tested it on 16 players so it could go 2 ways people could use them to get out of a sticky situation or they could abuse them and keep randomly generating locations to avoid danger, although this could be an issue, i dont see it impacting it by much with 16 players someone would be bound to kill them. I may just chalk it up to a legit strategy, seeing as how it may impact infection some but nothing else.

    Teleporters with builings however will teleport you to another building but they are set on bravo and charlie so it only takes you to 2 possible locations per port.





  2. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Wow, nice job. I've been wanting to make a map like this for awhile now but never got around to it.

    It seems like this map has quite a lack of cover on the outside, what's to prevent someone from crushing everyone with a sniper?

    *For infection*, you could have something spawn on top of the telaporters, preventing people from using them.

    More gametypes! This would be perfect for CTF, Assault or Stockpile. You don't even have to make all these extra spawns for it or anything if you want to be simple.

    Make a list of weapons, vehicles and their spawn times.

    Indoor pictures!
    Otherwise, good job!
  3. lordcrusnik1986

    lordcrusnik1986 Forerunner
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    unfortunately bugdet restraints with the mod i cant specifically set a new flag for ctf, same with assualt, however i could rename a new one as ctf and assualt version, this one is only slayer infection and race, but i might upload a new version to use ctf, we will see if it gets popular enough to warrent one, if you guys want comment suggestions for new big massive maps i will more then willing to create the maps you guys want, next project for me is an exact replica of marios castle, unlike the ones youve seen this will be fully rendered and detailed.
  4. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    If you do have a mod then I think it would be amazing to do full scale remakes of maps like headlong or highground. Those could easily get put online and get well noticed
  5. AboveHaloMaster

    AboveHaloMaster Forerunner
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    This is a really nice race map, You built good buildings and I like the track that you made, and I like that you did not just make a wall around the map like most people do instead, you made a really nice urban outline of a city around the map. I think I will download the map and take a closer look to see the parts of the map that you did not put in the pictures. Fantastic job on the map.
  6. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
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    welcome to forgehub! This looks like a amazing map, it looks great for racing but however i think that you should make the buildings closer to eachother so you get more of a city feel.
    Nice work tho
  7. lordcrusnik1986

    lordcrusnik1986 Forerunner
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    its only the first incarnation, beta if you will, i figure ill make a second map similar but with alot of major changes. i kinda want to start from scratch with all these ideas implemnted though inside access will be taken out, mostly because of budget, if i take the inside out of these i can create more outside cover, LOTS MORE, so let me know if i should take the option of inside access out.

    What happens is (like that of old forge) new forge only allows a set limit of object so even with AHP MODDED WALLS HACK (which is in my fileshare) You cant set as many of the other items so some walls must be deleted in order to set more objects ( INCLUDING SPAWNS UNFORTUNATLY) Its a pain if you start with the walls and then place spawns and run out of objects (even if you still have money) SO FOR THE SEQUAL i will start from scratch EXPANDING the amount of builings, and start spawns before i build so i know i can have room. To be honest i found it to difficult (Almost Impossible) to implement everything everyone wants into one map, structure isnt the issue, detail is, and even the insides of the buildings are crap, hence no photos, though its great for race i did try to implement gametypes that help the player out by increasing jump and speed to counteract the shear massiveness of the level.

    Either way let me know what you think about inside access because im not sure its needed as much as one would think.

    B4TTLE PUPPY Forerunner

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    This is wut iv'e been looking for. Found some other urban maps, but the buildings wer all for looks and couldn't go inside any of em. This is by far the best little city map iv'e seen so far.

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