This is actually quite impressive. THis shows you have a very good forging ability, superior to many. The use of interlocking is excellent, everything is smooth and seems to flow perfectly.
Looks really well thought out and also seems to have some time put into it. I have to agree with the fusion coils, but whats wrong with shaking things up? 4/5
...i'm surprised people keep commenting on this. Its a nice surprise though ... and to DRiSCOLL, this was my first map the drawing was replaced with other 'Flashier' things in subsequent map postings ... ... but yeah ... wooo! Has anyone actually played on this ?
i really like the sketch on paper, i don't know why i haven't thought to do that, mine is done all crappy on photoshop (great place, bad editor)
I totally agree with him there are too many fusion coils for my taste throughout the map.... its like theres one around ever corner! Great map though
another case of someone not actually reading the entire original post and just looking at the screens ... lazy fail. *rolls eyes*
i had an idea like this once, but i couldn't make it work. this reminds me of epitaph a little bit with the main hall thing, but good job. will dl and giver her a go